Hi. Welcome to my page.
Name: Topaz Mercer

Gender: Female

Looks: Right eye is light green left eye is light blue and she is blind. Had long brown hair with a strip of green(the strip changes color with her personality).She cut it to shoulder length later on. She wears a hoodie that is green then fades to blue and always wears neon blue sneakers. And wears a sword((background art)) necklace that help contain her powers and can turn into a sword, given to her by her deceased father. Has ears and tail and wings; however tail and wings can be hidden ears cannot so she normally wears her good around new people. In wolf form fur is dark brown then legs and tips of ears and tail are lights brown.

Personality: Very shy and reserved but opens up after a while. She has multiple personalities, depression, anxiety, and other stuff. She is not generally like and was often bullied. Keeps to herself, very confused about human life and customs. She loves animals and reading. Does exceedingly well in classes. She's been through a lot... Very clueless when it comes to flirtation and sexual things. Very protective of those she loves. Doesn't trust easily but if you gain it you will have it forever.

Abilities: Elemental powers, wolf human hybrid with wings, uses light magic, and has many more unknown abilities to her. Can be killed for good by dark magic, otherwise only dies temporarily.

Other: She is blind and bisexual.

Check me out on: Tumblr: http://barkbark2025.tumblr.com/
  • Somewhere with the Fangirl community
  • JoinedMarch 31, 2014

Last Message
Barkbark2025 Barkbark2025 Jun 29, 2015 05:54PM
Hello everyone!!  So I just wanted to say thank you all for the support on my Troyler story. If you haven't read some of my other stories, please do. I must warn you that The Curse has been discontin...
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