
It's been an eternity (3 years) since I last posted here. Last time I was here, I was college freshman and now I'm posting this a day before my college graduation.
          	How is everyone doing and how has life been? 
          	I think I'm back for good and I have so many great stories to share with you all.
          	I've missed writing and this definitely feels like a new beginning and a breath of fresh air. 
          	Sit tight and follow me on this journey.


@melancholymaterial_ Haha. Thank you so much. I'm glad to be back from the dead too.


@melancholymaterial_ Proud of you for passing 12th. You'll love college and if you take a drop of study, that's great too. I also took a gap year my first year after high school.


@NIkkiSimmons5 I know. I feel like I've missed out on so much, but I'm excited to be back.


It's been an eternity (3 years) since I last posted here. Last time I was here, I was college freshman and now I'm posting this a day before my college graduation.
          How is everyone doing and how has life been? 
          I think I'm back for good and I have so many great stories to share with you all.
          I've missed writing and this definitely feels like a new beginning and a breath of fresh air. 
          Sit tight and follow me on this journey.


@melancholymaterial_ Haha. Thank you so much. I'm glad to be back from the dead too.


@melancholymaterial_ Proud of you for passing 12th. You'll love college and if you take a drop of study, that's great too. I also took a gap year my first year after high school.


@NIkkiSimmons5 I know. I feel like I've missed out on so much, but I'm excited to be back.


Hey there,
          I’m just here to wish you a merry Christmas. 
          I know it’s been a tough year, with the pandemic and the loses that came along with it (both lives and properties).
          But I want you to take out today to give yourself a break from grieving and just smile. 
          The fact you’re still breathing is a sign that there’s hope and you’ll pull through.
          If you’re reading this, I want you to know that I’m proud of you, even if you feel like you didn’t do much this year, I’m still proud of you because not giving up is the best thing anyone could have done in 2020.
          Once again, I wish you a merry Christmas, don’t forget to show love and kindness to those around you. 
          Massie. ❤️ 


@Bankymassie thanks so much, and merry Christmas to all