
My classes have officially finished yesterday. I'm working on the last few little patch ups, mainly in my documentary that I had to create. But once this is done, I'm hoping to return to writing on here and to publish pieces that I have worked on. 
          	I'm hoping to apply for a job soon but I hope it will not require me to be up at 5:30am and not get home until after 6pm. 
          	So hopefully I will have some down time to write during the day even when working.


My classes have officially finished yesterday. I'm working on the last few little patch ups, mainly in my documentary that I had to create. But once this is done, I'm hoping to return to writing on here and to publish pieces that I have worked on. 
          I'm hoping to apply for a job soon but I hope it will not require me to be up at 5:30am and not get home until after 6pm. 
          So hopefully I will have some down time to write during the day even when working.


HighKey wanna quit my volunteering, but I like working with the kids. It's just all the extra things out width the hour or two hours that I have set out for that group. 
          Like, no I don't want to go stand out in a field serving teas and coffees this weekend, it's Saturday, I have family plans. No I don't want to go take these kids to a training hike, I want to go home and do homework from college. No I don't want to be early to open the hall, I have my education and travel time to think about, I hardly get there in time as is.


this message may be offensive
It's fuckin 5am, I haven't slept yet, I think I'm bloody dehydrated even though I'm always drinking stuff rn, I'm in a weird mood where everything I read is shit (doesn't make me feel good, the writers are still amazing), keep getting told to watch out because I'm pre-diabetic, in pain literally everywhere and just want my day to end even though it hasn't started. 
          I want a nice feel book that is well written and soft, but isn't infantilising anyone. Like is that so hard? 
          Looking at my own books, yes, yes it is.




I'm doing a report for classes, but I need some creative distractions for between sections of work so i can fully dissociate between topics.  
          Either tell me what book I should work on and update or give me requests for oneshots or something.  


A classmate who has just turned 17, I am in my 20's, is trying to get me to rent a place with her, but it's so f*cking expensive,  I don't have a job and I'm not getting payment for my college classes yet. I am already spending £12 a day to get to my classes, plus any foods or drinks I buy. Just travelling alone is £36 a week. That won't get cheaper moving into a flat that is at least £120 a week. Let's not mention food, electricity, and gas.
          Like it's so expensive and they won't leave it alone.