
-wakes up
          	-checks the calendar
          	-eyes bulge in a comical fashion
          	-runs around, piecing together a story
          	Welp, I have returned! And I'm back with another story that I should be able to finish this time! If you like poly relationships and a pinch of comedy with the faintest hint of angst, I got just the thing for you! Its called And They Were Roommates so it'd be really cool if you could check it out :)


-wakes up
          -checks the calendar
          -eyes bulge in a comical fashion
          -runs around, piecing together a story
          Welp, I have returned! And I'm back with another story that I should be able to finish this time! If you like poly relationships and a pinch of comedy with the faintest hint of angst, I got just the thing for you! Its called And They Were Roommates so it'd be really cool if you could check it out :)


Bad news folks, Wattpad has struck yet again. For the 3rd time, they've removed the smut book. However, this time they were nice enough to actually leave me a message about it.
          So, you guys know the drill. It'll be back up by next week at the latest. However, German Orgy will be removed as I think that's the one that triggered the deletion. You can still find it on AO3 and I will make an effort to update my AO3 profile so it has all of my current stories. Forbidden and Forsaken will not be reupploaded to AO3 and if Wattpad decides to take it down I'm letting it. That book can die


@Banaenaenas I kinda liked Forbidden and Forsaken 


Going to switch to only once a week updates for Order 11 temporarily. I'm not in the best place mentally right now, twice a week is too much. The smut book also likely won't be updated until summer. I'm not going on full hiatus, I still wanna give you guys something at least 


Is anyone else's wattpad having a malfunction? It keeps showing me I have notifications, but when I click on the tab nothing pops up. I know I should be seeing notifs on Order 11 since I can see that chapters have been voted for and have comments when I click on analytics


Its been awful quiet around here lately-
          Unfortunately you all will have to continue to wait for the next book until mid-late January, 50-60 hour weeks are not it when it comes to writing a book. Although I am still in the plotting stage, so give me your favorite Countryhumans! I promise I won't hurt them >:)


@Banaenaenas Let Prussia, German empire and Germany suffer >:)


@Banaenaenas I could wait many years for a new book, but Prussia's my favorite countryhuman.(Let me see him suffer :D)