
So, I'm sorry? I know, I know I haven't posted, but I have an excuse! I had a lot of exam and I may or may not... Have been sucked into Ao3. And oh boy, things are happening on Ao3. I 'll never check the Dead Dove:Do Not Eat tag again. NEVER. All of this to say, There will be a chapter this Sunday so stay tuned! Thanks, bak.


Salut ça va j'ai vu ton commentaire sur une histoire de skam est ce que par hasard ça te dirai de rp ou pas ?


@Moonlight_girl20 Salut, est ce que tu pourrais préciser ce que tu veux dure par rp? mais dans l'idée pourquoi pas!


So, I'm sorry? I know, I know I haven't posted, but I have an excuse! I had a lot of exam and I may or may not... Have been sucked into Ao3. And oh boy, things are happening on Ao3. I 'll never check the Dead Dove:Do Not Eat tag again. NEVER. All of this to say, There will be a chapter this Sunday so stay tuned! Thanks, bak.


Hello everyone! I have finished e chapter of my story and I will try to finish the third one and put it out soon! I am very excited for you to tell me what you think about it. I am working very hard on it, but it is worst it! Now I'll go to sleep because I have been writing for 3 hours and I am tired. Good night.


Working on my most promissing project yet. Kind of hard, but I challenged myself to not put it out until I have made at least 3 decent chapters, so I  can give myself time. I've done 1 and a half chapter. One and a half to go. I really want to finish it. Who knows? Made it will give me the motivation to finish my other projects. Well bye bye for now, I have to go sleeping. (been writing for 2 hours now. I'm exhausted.)


Bak! Merci infiniment pour le nom de la liste de lecture dans laquelle tu as mis YTHTICB! 


Merci merci merci, et encore merci!!


@ OhcomeonLarry  Je te jure tes livres sont incroyable ils méritent cette liste