
Hello! I don’t know if you’re active anymore or if you remember me, but you used to be my biggest supporter when it came to my owl house fics. I got rid of them and changed my account ALOT, but if I were to bring some owl house fics back, would you interested? It wouldn’t be the same ones, but I just wanted to know if they’d even be worth bringing them back.


I am leaving this message for my readers and friends I have met here on Wattpad. I will be retiring this account and making a new account under a new name and icon, as this account has been copied and pasted to the ad-loaded trash website teenfic.net, I will reach out to you as soon as I have done all of that. I have had a good run.


Thank u for putting my book in your reading list


Interesting well I hope you enjoy it


@LizKitsuneKenney np liz kitsune sounded like a character from a another fic i read so i had to read it!