
Hey guys!!! I'm back!!!!
          	I know. I know, it's been forever. After I had my son in, i soon found out i was pregnant again before he even turned 1. So two under two left me little time to write. I've also started school to become a nutritionist. But, I did it. I kept some stories and scraped some, and I also have some new ideas. I'm posting all my stories on here again while I look for other platforms. Enjoy guys. Posts will be coming pretty regularly 
          	I'm also still excepting any ideas that you have about possible one shots or books
          	;) I've missed it here!!


Hey guys!!! I'm back!!!!
          I know. I know, it's been forever. After I had my son in, i soon found out i was pregnant again before he even turned 1. So two under two left me little time to write. I've also started school to become a nutritionist. But, I did it. I kept some stories and scraped some, and I also have some new ideas. I'm posting all my stories on here again while I look for other platforms. Enjoy guys. Posts will be coming pretty regularly 
          I'm also still excepting any ideas that you have about possible one shots or books
          ;) I've missed it here!!


Hi guys!!! I know I said a while ago that I was working on reposting my one-shot book, and I am, it's just this new mom life is tough. Plus I just returned back to work. But I have not forgotten about you guys. I am working on new stories.


@BadGirlLex congrats on the baby. You take your time, love  


Hey guys. So I’m still working on a new one shot book. It’s just going to take a little longer then planed. I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy two weeks ago and of course, I'm a bit busy, but I promise I have forgotten about you guys.


Congratulations on your baby boy!I bet you're such a great mom


@ShaneAble thank you❤️❤️


@BadGirlLex congratulations❤❤


So wattpad deleted my story. I know its been like a year since I uploaded, but I was working on three new one-shots and now they are all gone. Most of them I wrote in the app on my phone so there's no way to get the back.
          So I'm going to start a new one-shot book and hopefully, that doesn't get deleted too.


@BadGirlLex I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, wattpad can be a bitch like that. I dread having that happen to me so much, I started keeping backup files for each chapter on my Google drive account. Anyway, I hope that doesn't happen to you again. It really sucks :/