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6 years fucking 6 years this monstrous of the man named taeil did this to a minor I don't know how thefuck his mind work but he should have thought infinite times before doing things like that you are an idol of 7 year and that too of a company of big 3 you did this when you became idol or did you became idol to do this thing I feel disgusted by his behavior like you made a minor feel dying because of you you are an idol you gotta inspire people but you did quite opposite and watch how your love mad career burn in fire created by you because of 6 fucking years 


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6 years fucking 6 years this monstrous of the man named taeil did this to a minor I don't know how thefuck his mind work but he should have thought infinite times before doing things like that you are an idol of 7 year and that too of a company of big 3 you did this when you became idol or did you became idol to do this thing I feel disgusted by his behavior like you made a minor feel dying because of you you are an idol you gotta inspire people but you did quite opposite and watch how your love mad career burn in fire created by you because of 6 fucking years 


so i watched the race and highlights too and words cant describe how happy i am for Ferrari 1-2 and McLaren 3-5 seeing Carlos with both his teammates is so beautiful sad that max and Lewis DNF hope they come back good next time and what amaze me was gasly even he didn't det points but he gave some drivers some run and Alex and Yuki babies you did so well even if Alex didn't score point and Haas hmm i would rather not talk about it i don't know what to say though there are lot of things that can be improved and Russell hope you are okay man that was not a good accident thank god he didn't flipped in the car hmm what else yeah i hop lando and Oscar do get their pole position this season please i'm manifesting it


It's my birthday today to be honest it now 8 hours gone since 12 I still didn't feel like it's my birthday today. I cried cause no one wished me at exact 12 cause I don't miss even one sec to wish them on their big day or any memorable moments it's like I care of people's feelings but till now no one have ever asked me about my feelings. This morning I tried to wake my mum to make me food for the lunch box cause I'll be out by 8 in the morning and then come by 6 in the evening, she woke up at 7:30 which is the time I leave the house for college. This is my 20th birthday today so I felt that this birthday needs to be special. Today just before leaving my nail broke so I had to cut all my nails and they were pretty long for natural nails. Then my dad tried to send me to station but then the scooty suddenly betrayed us and stop in middle then I had to take rickshaw and when I reach the location I had a bad feeling when I sat down in the van the girl I don't like sat beside me and now the whole time I'm trying to just sit quietly and she has been talking nonstop. 
          -Aria, 20rd Feb 2023