
To all of those who have/are following me, I would just like to say that I am terribly sorry for the lack of updates with regards to any of my stories. 
          	Now, this does not mean that I'm quitting writing fanfiction, it's just... I have been extremely busy all throughout May and I haven't found the time to write anything. 
          	So, I hope that you all understand that I have been quite busy as of late and whenever I do get a moment of freedom, I will get back into the fray.


@AzureSiege2001 take your time man no need to rush patience to see what you gonna bring next.


To all of those who have/are following me, I would just like to say that I am terribly sorry for the lack of updates with regards to any of my stories. 
          Now, this does not mean that I'm quitting writing fanfiction, it's just... I have been extremely busy all throughout May and I haven't found the time to write anything. 
          So, I hope that you all understand that I have been quite busy as of late and whenever I do get a moment of freedom, I will get back into the fray.


@AzureSiege2001 take your time man no need to rush patience to see what you gonna bring next.


Who wins and why vergil vs Adam Taurus ( devil may cry vs rwby 


@shadow_ceris2 android 21 vs jack o valentine ( dragon ball vs guilty gear )


@shadow_ceris2 Vergil. If you play any of the Devil May Cry games or pay attention to the lore of that series, you know that the DMC universe would solo all of RWBY.


Chapter 8 of Team RWBY Reacts to Dragon Ball FighterZ REMASTERED has been uploaded. Please feel free to give it a read whenever you get the chance.


I enjoyed seeing them make fun of Krillin. Look forward to the next chapter. :)