
Eda kicks the front door open with a wide grin on her face. "Hey, freeloaders! Guess what today is?"
          	"What? Your doctor's appointment?" You scoff, raising an eyebrow. 
          	Luz gasps, sitting up. "Is it your birthday!?"
          	"Is it my birthday?" King asks excitedly, climbing up to your shoulder.  
          	Hooty butts in the conversation with a chipper shout. "It's my birthday!"
          	"NO!" Eda yells as she closes the front door. "It's human treasure day!"
          	Eda rubs her chin as she muses. "A place where magic energy just flows."
          	Luz climbs onto the counter, grabbing a hold of your shoulders. She shouts even louder than before. "Yes!"
          	"A place like the Knee!" 
          	"YES!" Luz's cry was so loud that you were sure that it echoed across the Isles. 
          	A lil' preview of the new chapter. For those asking when's the new update is coming, I am currently working on it. 
          	Anyway, what do you guys think of the Owl House Finale? I'm still in denial over it being over. 
          	And god damn, it was amazing! 
          	I hope you guys have a good day/night. Stay safe!


@AzurePrima I've been crying over it every night
          	  Otherwise it was amazing


@AzurePrima It was amazing! But just thinking about it makes me cry. It was such an amazing series.
          	  Half of me is happy that they have their happy ending, but the other half just feels the emptiness and nostalgia of the times when I was looking forward to the next episode.


@ AzurePrima  it was amazing im glad to see every character alive and yeah hard to believe that the series i watches for the memes ended.
          	  Now all i have is fanfics


Heyo, hope you're still doing alright. With another hectic year coming to an end, I thought about you and this story. 
          With everything going on, you've probably been occupied with life or just lost interest with writing in general. I just wanted you to know it's alright to move on from this if you've found something more important or fun to do. 
          That said however, your writing has captivated me and more, leaving us excited for the next chapters to come. If you're feeling unsure about the worth of continuing your book, just know that there will always be those like me who'll love it and will wait until you're ready to update. 
          I sincerely hope you continue your TOH book someday, but if you cannot then it's completely fine. 
          Regardless, I'll always wish you the best with everything.
          Hope you have a Happy New Year!


Just about to start my next semester, and it reminded me about your struggles with maintaining this story with your responsibilities weighing you down. 
          I still wish you the best and to remind you that your writing is truly amazing, and that the wait for your next updates will always be worth it.
          Stay strong and take your time!