
Hey everyone, i had a really tiring but amazing weekend, but i'm really exhausted, so there will, maybe, some updates for my stories this week, but less than normal, but i promise you all, that next week, the updating will be normal again.


Hey everyone, i had a really tiring but amazing weekend, but i'm really exhausted, so there will, maybe, some updates for my stories this week, but less than normal, but i promise you all, that next week, the updating will be normal again.


So, as you all can see, i did update August, but tommorow i won't be able to update, cause Bridgerton is gonna rule my day tommorow, but next week, the updates will happen normally again. If that changes again, i will anounce it to you all.


Hey, so i'm really feeling that my inspiration for Daylight is slowly slipping away, so i'm gonna put that story on hold and will start publishing a new story every monday, i will start publishing Daylight, once i wrote the entire fan fiction, so it will just start popping up, once i finish writing it


Hey everyone, i have a busy week coming up, i have to reharse for a play, Bridgerton s3 part 2 is also coming out, so i won't post a lot, i will update the chapters on my stories where i have multiple parts written already, but that will be it, also, i'm not gonna write on my Bridgerton stories, until i have a full out good storyline in my head, so there will be a new story starting on monday in two weeks, that's all, hope you're all having a lovely day


Hey, little update, for the ones who love my book Daylight, that's about my life whit the Walter boys, i putted that on hold, cause i need to figure out some things, so new every monday, their will be a chapter of my Obx book come out, i will start the characters later, hope that's okay and i hope you're all having a great day


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Hey everyone, i'm sick, i have a killing headache and my stomach is acting up and i feel really tired, so i won't update on my stories until i feel better again, i hope you all understand and i will see you back, after i don't feel like shit anymore