
Hey! I was wondering if you plan on finishing rebirth? I just read the last part and im obsessed with your work. It deserves more reads!!


@user107899564 Hi! I will be, but I'm currently in 11th grade 2nd semester and I was burnt out. I have a schedule of updates! No worries, thank you for your support! Your feedbacks are welcomed! Thank you! 


          Hi! I'm wondering if you could perhaps read and give feedback on my book, Wandwork? If I get what's bad about the book, I can fix it and overall make a better reading experience. Thank you!


@Hyuhyuii19 Thank you so much!


@GoldGamezALot yo yo, I already love the introduction! Especially that they're puffs, like omg finally justice for the badgers, so far I like all of it. Just be confident in the way you write, don't compare yourself to anybody, be inspired then boom! Write what you want to see, feel, hear etc. Have a great day!