
Just updated ulfat!!! 
          	Note: I am not promoting any kind of abuse I am absolutely against it if you guys uncomfortable and don't like it do tell me I will change it 
          	I don't mean to hurt any of your feelings
          	Happy reading


Pls update ulfat..also make shahzaib moral in terms of treating his mother and sister like he does with warisha. He didn’t even worry about his sister going missing.i like his bond w warisha but I can’t forget how he treated his sis.love your work <<33


          I'm still waiting for ulfat's next update and I have one review here hope u don't mind it, no offence to any character but I love shazaib more than Mir, it's like I know shazaib would not do anything to warisha forcefully unlike Mir, so I request you not to destroy shazaib's character I love him so much 


@ciaramirza awww thank you so much that means alot as most of the people didn't like sahzaib so it means alot to me  honestly I love sahzaib more too than Mir idk why and yeah I have been really busy and I will update soon InshAllah 


Hope you are doing well. 
          When are going to update your stories? 
          Still waiting for updates


@SairaKhan233 hiii yeah I am great Allahumdulliah it's just I am busy with my exams and they are going to last till end of the month so I  promise to update as soon as my exams finished I am sorry for the wait 


Hi author when will u update ulfat? I can’t wait more 


@Ayman_khannnn ok I will be waiting pls give a longer  chapter!  and plssssss update regularly if u are free


@HongJia20 hi!! I am half way through InshAllah soon