
Important Announcement:
          	Alright, I know some of you might not care about this post (I understand if you don't) and you want me to continue my stories since I haven't posted anything in quite a while.
          	First off, to any of you who worried about me and my mental health from last post, I thank you for your concerns. But I am feeling better now. (though having a slight existential crisis, but that doesn't matter) 
          	Secondly, I am not going to update for at least one year. (Please bare with me here) I know some want me to continue my stories but at the very moment, I am now in my final year of highschool and wish to complete it and get a job afterwards. Once I have my job, that is when I will start uploading again. (Hopefully) But in the meantime, I will try to rewrite some of the chapters that I wrote when I first joined. (So I am not wasting time and rereading some them hurts me mentally... Why past me? Why the 'line, then simple response to it' thing?)
          	Lastly, chapters are going to be slow after I get a job. Reasons? Well, I am lazy, hitting many writer's blocks and overall have a short attention span when trying to do something. Also add the fact that I have been heavily getting into Warhammer 40k over the past year. (The sheer destruction is unfathomable and it appeals to my war side a lot)
          	Anyway, this is as much as I can think of at the moment. If anything else comes to mind or something happens in the future, I will try to keep you all updated as much as possible. (Remember though, I can't guarantee anything) Have a good day/night everyone and remember... THE EMPEROR PROTECTS! (And glory to the Omnissiah!)


@ Axis_boi  This sounds too familiar I stopped writing to focus on school and getting a job I always told myself5 when you have the job you can write again
          	  Well ... work is tiresome I fall immediately asleep after work


I respect your way friend we’ll wait 


@Axis_boi It's alright lad we understand, Go and learn and pass that exam, Hope you're okay and have a great day


I saw Erika so I give this:
          Der mächtigste König im Luftrevier
          Ist des Sturmes gewaltiger Aar.
          Die Vöglein erzittern, vernehmen sie nur
          Sein rauschendes Flügelpaar.
          Wenn der Löwe in der Wüste brüllt,
          Dann erzittert das tierische Heer.
          Ja, wir sind die Herren der Welt
          Die Könige auf dem Meer.
          Tirallala, tirallala, hoi! hoi!
          Wir sind die Herren der Welt
          Die Könige auf dem Meer.
          Zeigt sich ein Schiff auf dem Ozean,
          So jubeln wir freudig und wild;
          Unser stolzes Schiff schießt dem Pfeile gleich
          Durch das brausende Wogengefild.
          Der Kaufmann erzittert vor Angst und vor Weh,
          Den Matrosen entsinket der Mut,
          Und da steigt am schwankenden Mast
          Unsre Flagge, so rot wie das Blut.
          Tirallala, tirallala, hoi! hoi!
          Und da steigt am schwankenden Mast
          Unsre Flagge, so rot wie das Blut.
          Wir stürzen uns auf das feindliche Schiff
          Wie ein losgeschossener Pfeil.
          Die Kanone donnert, die Muskete kracht,
          Laut rasselt das Enterbeil,
          Und die feindliche Flagge, schon sinkt sie herab.
          Da ertönt unser Siegesgeschrei:
          Hoch lebe das brausende Meer,
          Hoch lebe die Seeräuberei!
          Tirallala, tirallala, hoi! hoi!
          Hoch lebe das brausende Meer,
          Hoch lebe die Seeräuberei!
          Und ist der letzte Schuß getan,
          Ist die blutige Schlacht vorbei,
          So lenken wir unsern morschen Kahn
          In die Hölle frank und frei.
          Und wenn es dem Teufel nicht gefällt,
          Ei, so heizen wir selber uns ein.
          Wir waren die Herren der Welt
          Und wollen's beim Teufel noch sein!
          Tirallala, tirallala, hoi! hoi!
          Wir waren die Herren der Welt
          Und wollen's beim Teufel noch sein.


Important Announcement:
          Alright, I know some of you might not care about this post (I understand if you don't) and you want me to continue my stories since I haven't posted anything in quite a while.
          First off, to any of you who worried about me and my mental health from last post, I thank you for your concerns. But I am feeling better now. (though having a slight existential crisis, but that doesn't matter) 
          Secondly, I am not going to update for at least one year. (Please bare with me here) I know some want me to continue my stories but at the very moment, I am now in my final year of highschool and wish to complete it and get a job afterwards. Once I have my job, that is when I will start uploading again. (Hopefully) But in the meantime, I will try to rewrite some of the chapters that I wrote when I first joined. (So I am not wasting time and rereading some them hurts me mentally... Why past me? Why the 'line, then simple response to it' thing?)
          Lastly, chapters are going to be slow after I get a job. Reasons? Well, I am lazy, hitting many writer's blocks and overall have a short attention span when trying to do something. Also add the fact that I have been heavily getting into Warhammer 40k over the past year. (The sheer destruction is unfathomable and it appeals to my war side a lot)
          Anyway, this is as much as I can think of at the moment. If anything else comes to mind or something happens in the future, I will try to keep you all updated as much as possible. (Remember though, I can't guarantee anything) Have a good day/night everyone and remember... THE EMPEROR PROTECTS! (And glory to the Omnissiah!)


@ Axis_boi  This sounds too familiar I stopped writing to focus on school and getting a job I always told myself5 when you have the job you can write again
            Well ... work is tiresome I fall immediately asleep after work


I respect your way friend we’ll wait 


@Axis_boi It's alright lad we understand, Go and learn and pass that exam, Hope you're okay and have a great day


Ah yes, Announcement...
          Hello to all my followers and fellow people of wattpad.
          First off I'd like to say I am very sorry for not posting or updating any stories in a very long time... I'm also sorry it took me this long to even post an update on what's happening.
          I have been stressed out for the past year over dealing with stuff that relates to school and life.
          [March 31, 1961 - May 3, 2020]
          My father passed away at my home the night of Sunday, May 3rd of 2020. He went peacefully in his sleep due to him pulling his oxygen line off during his sleep. Due to his passing, I have been just completely and utterly demoralized and depressed for the past 5 months.
          As I have said before, I am very sorry for not updating. I just feel like I am descending farther into darkness...


@Axis_boi Sorry for your loss 


@Axis_boi I’m very sorry that this happened to you. You have my condolences.