
I'm trying to finish the rewrite of chapter 1 though my motivation is gone. 
          	Welp. It will be out soon though-


I'm back! (Finally)
          Finally got the prologue or the remake sorted! Had to make it on Google notes due to Wattsapp having a little freak-out. But I got it done so I'm happy about that. 
          Ps. I need a sleeping schedule, but will I get one?    Haha, no lol.


Totally me not restarting a chapter so I can make it longer and the end of the 'Portal mess up arc'. That's what I've thought to call it. 
          Well yea, the chapter was done. It's just I decided I wanted to end this arc thing. So yea! 
          Just wanted to let everyone know so they know what's going on.
          Well uh  it should be done by Sunday most. Hopefully today, tomorrow orthe day after tomorrow.
          Have a good day or night, hopefully both!


Not gonna lie, The next chapter is almost finished but my motivation has gone bleh either way. So it is going to be a bit delayed. Well, more delayed than I wanted. 
          I would just publish it now, and call it done but I kinda want it just a bit longer. However, don't worry as it should be out by at most next Friday, maybe Thursday?
          Sorry its a long time but my motivation is dying rapidly, though it will be finished soon. So don't worry about it not coming our for a while.
          Also, the things in my book's AU's Tommy head!
          (Ps. There might be an Easter egg from a comment)


I just doing this because every one is lol-
          Okay the actual reason, (mostly) is I'm thinking of starting a book. Do not know what the name will be, but I already know that it would be atleast ok.
          Basic, and I mean BASIC summary:
          Orphaned Ranboo. Super hero society and powers. Escapes a goose. 
          (I will make sure that happens).
          Meets two other runaways after he runs 
          (You should know this) away.
          Grow up with barely anything. 
          Become Vigilantes when 15 and help protec.
          End up becoming ppl who make being Vigilantes legal.
          Then probably some chapters with funny side stories which happened while there was all the serious stuff.
          Well uh. Bai