
Hello there! I'm sorry to interrupt your day with this message but I was wondering if you could check out my book "Offspring" and tell me what thinking by reviewing it, it'll help me improve my writing. It would mean a lot, if you can't, that's okay! <3


          Hi! I just want to plug my first story entitled: PAIR OF CHAIRS.
          This story is about several pair of chairs where JAKE and JUSTINE have sitted on as they make it their stepping stone. Are they going to sit together until the end? Or play trip to jerusalem that only need one winner while the other loses? Well, let's find out!
          note: currently being updated everyday(if not busy)
          Ps: you are free to plug your stories on my profile or message me through wattpad as I'm planning to make a book compilation of underated stories made by little writers. Let' all help each other, little story tellers.