
Thanks so much for adding Sja Fram to both your normal reading list and your favourites! It means a ton to me and hopefully it'll give me the inspiration needed to finish the chapter I'm working on!


I have to admit, the lack of OCs in Inheritance Cycle stories annoyed me - annoyed me enough that my fanfic came into existence. I certainly hope that Umaroth continues to remain as someone who isn't a Mary Sue, but there's a fine line that I have to walk there, especially considering how over powered the King - and later, Murtagh - is. 
            I hope you continue to enjoy the story - there are some fun scenes to come. It currently gets updated every two weeks, as long as I remember, as I'm having trouble writing the next book, which is ever so slowly moving. Hopefully, I'll manage to get some writing down for it! 
            Once again, thank you!


@SilentSilverSlip Yeah, I don't really see that many Inheritance Cycle stories where the OC has good characteristics that don't make it a Mary Sue. Your good writing also contributes to your fanfic. I like how Umaroth has a mystery around him, and he does seem like a fresh breath of air as an additional character. I can't wait to learn his backstory more closely, and I wonder how he will get along with Murtagh. I am looking forward to the next chapter!