
Almost done with Book 9 and i'm literally obsessed! been binge-reading book after book to the point where i couldnt even vote for several books...i think i broke the app lol but the more i read the more i wondered....i know it was mentioned in one of the books..i think book 6 (?) with Aria and Ian, that them being immortal and becoming a werewolf, any illness they had would be gone or something and it made me think. im not sure if any of the other books have this or not but i think it would be interesting to see a book with a human mate either with a diability (deaf, blind etc etc) or a widow with kids. something to spice it up a bit. maybe you've already included this in the other books but it was just a thought. like how interesting it would be if a human mate mates with a Remington, for e.g., who's blind and ends up becoming an werewolf but still remains blind even after shifting... just throwing my crazy ideas out there. i still love every single book i've read so far! hard to pick my favorite couple though


@lyandaespadas I do get sort of close to these topics in Book 13 and again in Book 17.  I do appreciate the ideas too, and sometimes I use them. I appreciate you taking the time to read my book. Hope you keep enjoying them!


I found you randomly and I'm so glad I did! I read book 3 of your series. I know I read it out of order. Sometimes I break rules lol. But I really really enjoyed it! Love Ragnar ALOT! I see in a few comments that Nick has his own book? I know Astrid is book 4 but which one is Nick?


@AutumnShore1 im literally sooo hooked! i havent felt this feeling in soooo long! thank you soo much! 


@lyandaespadas Book 5 has Nick's story. Thank you so much for taking the time to read them!


lol totally hooked with your writing and the characters are amazing now starting book 14


@AllisonBiasi Awesome. 16 ties a lot of things together and 17 will round it all out. 


@AutumnShore1 moving on to book 16 finish Xavier & Maddie


@AllisonBiasi Thank you so much. 14, 15, 16 & 17 are very much connected. They all take place within about 6 months of each other 