
I'll make this Announcement Brief. But Somehow Thursday My dad just can't Speak Properly. I think His Health from The stroke he has is starting to Deteriorate. I just don't know what to do on helping him. I would take him to the Hospital but he's being Stubborn right now. He's been Driving Me Crazy! I don't know how much longer I can Handle. So yeah, I probably wouldn't be able to do Updates on my Stories for a while.


I'll make this Announcement Brief. But Somehow Thursday My dad just can't Speak Properly. I think His Health from The stroke he has is starting to Deteriorate. I just don't know what to do on helping him. I would take him to the Hospital but he's being Stubborn right now. He's been Driving Me Crazy! I don't know how much longer I can Handle. So yeah, I probably wouldn't be able to do Updates on my Stories for a while.


I'll make my Appointment quick I'm taking a break from my Stories After the Week I've had Especially Putting up with my Dad and a Season 2 trailer of Velma. I mean Why isn't there an Angry Mob Confronting Warner Bros Studios For Making a Second Season of Velma?!
          Secondly I Have a Random Idea for my followers to tryout.
          Toxic Spokes: (Loud House/Toxic Avenger) When Rusty Spokes Got Splashed with Chemicals He Mutated into a Hideous Monster that Fights Crime and does what he can to Protect Royal Woods From Danger. At least Until Lisa Finds a way to Cure him.


@Autobot-Wolverine Me too, they made Scrappy evil! He was my favorite character. Also, they robbed my hopes of seeing more episodes of DC Superhero Girls 2019 and they still refuses to cancel Teen Titans Go! I freaking hate Teen Titans Go!
            I hate it so much, made me want to hang my head on a rope


@NamasteWrye Tell me about it. Seriously Why isn't there an angry mob Confronting Warner Bros Studios about this?! I hate the Velma series so much I'd rather Hang out with Scrappy Doo all day.


@Autobot-Wolverine I'm surprise there wasn't an angry mob to be honest. And Warner Bros is being corrupted for sure or their CEO.


I got some Good ideas for My Followers who are Interested.
          Loud Goonies: (Loud House/Goonies) When Lincoln Loud found a Treasure Map to a Hidden Treasure in Royal Woods he decided to get help from his Friends to help with his Parents Struggle on making ends meat. Little did they know that Chandler, Hank and Hawk will stop at Nothing to get the Treasure first.
          Mai the Red Hood: (Avatar The Last Airbender/DC) When Mai and Zuko Decided to have some space from each other, Mai Went under the Wing of Jason Todd Training her to become the Next Red Hood.
          My Hero Academia, Mutant Apocalypse: (My Hero Academia/TMNT) When an Experiment When Horribly Wrong causing a Worldwide Apocalypse Izuku, Uraraka, Iida, Shoto and Momo Will do what they can to find The Rest of their Classmates and Try to Survive.


Here's a One Shot Of Monster High X The Flash.
          Nighttime rolls around and Barry Allen and Deuce Gorgon in their Flash Suits Are Sitting on top of Star Labs Enjoying the View of the City.
          Deuce: (Sighs) You know Barry, Despite Us Monsters and humans Don't Get along.... You're the First Human Along with Cisco that I Actually View as... Well as friends.
          Barry: (Chuckles) I couldn't agree more. In a way you're like a little brother to me.
          The 2 Were Silent for a moment When Barry Spoke up.
          Barry: So, Is There Someone Special Back at your School?
          Deuce: Well.....
          Barry: So there is Someone.
          Deuce: Yeah, Her Name's Cleo. She May be a Handful but She's Great.
          Barry: Nice.
          Deuce: I do need Your advice though.
          Barry: What would that be?
          Deuce: Well..... I've been thinking about Telling Cleo about My Speed. I'm asking for advice because I just don't know how long I have to lie to her Before She Ends up Confronting me if she did Find out.
          Barry: (Silent for a Moment Before Speaking) That's up to you D. Believe me If She does Confront you in a Bitter way at least You're not the Only one that's Been there. I had to put up with Iris on that one.