
Hi Authors,
          My name is Tina Smith. I am an author.
          I am starting a publishing co-op. I will publish your short story in a novel with other authors. I am seeking approximately 4 other authors to write a short paranormal story each. If you are an author who has at least a three star rating or above on Goodreads and Amazon and at least 25 reviews - PNR, Sci-Fi, Fantasy writers preferred (criteria is flexible) - please consider working with me. I plan to have the completed short story novel published by December next year. Participants will be chosen by me by February 2014. Stories submitted by July 2014. 
          I am excited about this new venture. 
          Benefits are you will have 5 times the marketing power to get your name out there. This is an opportunity unlike any other to cross promote your name/work and have inclusion in an anthology. You have the opportunity to earn as much money and exposure as you would having written a full novel, in less than half the time with half the effort. As well as the invaluable prospect of reaching a multitude of new readers. On top of that, you have the chance to work with other up and coming authors, who will promote your work. 
          Any subject matter within the PN genre is applicable. 
          Each author will be responsible for the editing of their own contributed work. 
          I will format the Kindle ebook. 
          The book will be titled: Nightlife: Paranormal/Fantasy short stories from (insert five names).
          You promote it. 
          Don’t worry if you haven’t written anything yet that fits the criteria – neither have I, yet.
          I don’t know if anyone has ever tried this before, but there is always a first. 
          I look forward to working with you! 
          Thanks for your interest.
          Message me with questions. 
          Feedback is welcome. 
          Goodreads; http://www.goodreads.com/TinaSmith
          Facebook; http://www.facebook.com/wolfsirens
          Thank you.
          Tina Smith, Author of the Wolf Sirens Series