
Hey Guys,
          	This is to inform that I've deleted "Anna Potter and The Mysterious Stone" permanently. 
          	I've found that it had many many plot holes.
          	Maybe I'll be writing a new story with the same theme.
          	I'M SORRY GUYS!
          	Thanks for all your support on the book!
          	Have a great day ahead!


Hey Guys,
          This is to inform that I've deleted "Anna Potter and The Mysterious Stone" permanently. 
          I've found that it had many many plot holes.
          Maybe I'll be writing a new story with the same theme.
          I'M SORRY GUYS!
          Thanks for all your support on the book!
          Have a great day ahead!


Hello everyone,
          This is to announce I'm officially back on wattpad.
          I won't say I'm completely free.. but my schedule's a bit loosened now.
          So, I re-read "Anna Potter and the Mysterious Stone" and found that its really has to go under some major editing.
          I may unpublish this book for a while in the process.
          The book has to be re-read after that. The theme's gonna stay the same, but it HAS to be RE-READ or you wouldn't understand the following chapters.
          I'll post an announcement once all of this is done.
          Until then..
          Take Care, Stay safe and Bye!


Hey guys,
          I've got some REALLY important news for you all.
          Well.. There is a good news and a bad one too..
          I'll start with the bad news:
          Well... I've really been following a tight schedule these days.. and have not been able to update my books so often...
          So...I've KINDA decided to take a break for a few months :/ 
          The good news:
          Is that I won't completely be off Wattpad during these months. :)
          I'll be updating WHENEVER I get time. 
          I'll still be actively responding to your DM'S.
          I'll still be taking story requests.
          I've got something new to make up to you guys....
          You all can always DM me for a shoutout for your books right here on my profile.
          That's that.
          Hope you guys co- operate. 
          Vote on my books and comment so that it inspires me to update a lot more quicker.
          Stay safe guys.
          Do check out books from @Hl120608.


Hey guys,
          "Anna Potter And The Mysterious Stone", Chapter 42 coming soon.
          I'm also planning to start a new story....
          I'm not sure if I'm going to though.
          Anyways, if I do, I'll surely put it up here.
          Hope you guys are safe..


Hey guys,
          I changed the title of my story!!!!
          It's  now called "Anna Potter And The Mysterious Stone".
          But, nothing else's gonna change.
          I've also made a new cover for it, and I'm also gonna announce Anna Potter's face claim.
          You might have already guessed it from the Cover!
          Anyways, like I said new chapter coming soon!
          STAY SAFE UNTIL THEN!!!!!


Anna Potter (Philosopher's Stone) update coming soon.
          It's quite a long chapter.
          So I hope it's worth  the wait.
          So, keep your eyes out for it.
          Updating anytime this week...
          Hoping to meet you guys again in Chapter 41 of Anna Potter (Philosopher's stone).
          BYE UTILL THEN!!!!
          Stay safe!!!!