
Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've updated any of my stories and for that I apologize. If anyone would like a story(ies) updated please comment on here or message me your request and I'll get to them as soon as I can. 


@The-Man-with-No-Name I'm so glad!! I hope you're doing better


Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've updated any of my stories and for that I apologize. If anyone would like a story(ies) updated please comment on here or message me your request and I'll get to them as soon as I can. 


@The-Man-with-No-Name I'm so glad!! I hope you're doing better


I have a huge announcement to make regarding my work... I will be removing a lot of my work off of here. I'm going through a lot right now and I need to grasp the reality of my life and my stories aren't helping me do that. I'm losing my enthusiasm and inspiration for writing as well. Tonight I will be removing almost all of my stories. I'm sorry if I disappoint some of you but I just can't handle this anymore. 


Of course ❤️ Do whatever you need to.  I sincerely hope things will work out for you soon.  You know you can always talk to me, right?  Even if I'm sleeping at that time, you can just rant and spam my pms or message board or even the comments section in my books, and I will always listen and help when I can.


I cannot stress this enough... I am sick and tired of finding semi decent stories or imagines to read then being forced to stop because of partners cheating on one another and it's supposed to be okay or the partner immediately forgives the person and falls right back into bad habits. IT IS NOT OKAY!!! Cheating is NOT okay. From now on if I'm reading stories and stuff like this is in it I not only will stop reading the story but I will also remove the book from my reading lists. 


@AuroraMandeville you're welcome! I probably will! Lol 


@AuroraMandeville aw, thank you!! I hope you'll like them! Once they're done, lol. ^^;


I just want to give a huge shoutout to my best friend on here. She's honestly the best friend one could have and I don't know what I would do without her. For those of you who don't follow @The-Man-with-No-Name you really should.


Hey guys, so my Gerard Butler Character Imagines is at 12.9K reads and to celebrate this amazing accomplishment I've reached because of amazing readers like you, I'm doing a special thing. I'm letting you guys write ONE imagine each based around whatever character you want including just Gerard himself. I will keep this open until Thursday night and then start reading all the entries. I will also post this message along with more in depth detailing to my Gerard Butler Character Imagines. If you guys have any questions just PM me. I hope you guys will look into this. 


@Darks_Little_Angel Just put it into a new story and send me the link


@AudrieBryant Do I DM my imagine to you or what do I do?