
Happy Easter everyone. I hope u guys have a great Easter and have lots of candy today. Also I'm putting slasher house ad there's a pain in every kiss on hold for a little. I have lots of thing to do . Again, have a great day! Byeeee 


Hello everyone! I'm going to leave on about 20 minutes or so, but I just wanted to ask a few things. 1.) Showed I make a book about my drawings? I would want to but if you guys want to see that comment. 2.) and if you want to see my drawings, request a bunch of things. Since I'm going to be board I would want to draw. (I prefer horror chapters but request what you want me to request) any way, I will miss you all and I will try to post as soon as I get back. BYEEEEEE 


Biiii and yes I do!! And 4 ur 1st trik cold u dra Mr.Myers? :3