
Hey y'all!
          	Just wanted to let people know that I've just released my new lemon/short story book! I posted a bunch of my own chapters in bulk just now but it's a request book so I hope to see some requests from y'all :)
          	That's all for now, and I hope to see you there!


Yo, i just see you write Dxd fic Here is my advice never write Dxd story by using Dxd anime as reference, Because unlike in light novel, dxd version anime ruin a lot of characters, especially Issei's characters hard to the point that reduce him into fanservice machine.


@cooldud888 Yeah I'm aware of that and will definitely be putting it to mind when I'm writing the reboot. It does get pretty old to see the characters act the exact same way so I'll definitely be changing that more :)