
Hello friends.
          	I hate when people post these types of announcements, but I don't have a choice right now. In 2018 I started writing MCR fics and I received so much love and met so many people during the last few years. Unfortunately, that will have to come to an end, at least for now. I will be taking an indefinite hiatus both from writing as well as Wattpad in general.
          	Why? Well, many of you know that I am a married suburban mom outside of Wattpad. My beloved husband of almost 12 years and high school sweetheart was diagnosed with late-stage brain cancer, and it's pretty serious. I have been caring him and supporting him since August when we learned about it. While I was hoping this was just a chapter, brain cancer is no joke and he time with us is limited. I just want to spend as much time with him and our kids as possible while he is still around.
          	To be clear, I am not removing any existing fics, and I will be publishing everything I have finished up to this point. I hope to return in the near future to continue this journey we have started together.


@AspynEmmilie I am sending so much love to you and your family.  This isn’t easy at all to have to go through.


I know things are rough and you’re probably not up for hearing “I’m sorry” but you’re an amazing author and I’m sorry life has gotten tough. I hope for a better outcome for you even if things seem bleak, and I wish I could push strength your way. No one deserves to fight something as catastrophic as that and in turn no one deserves to see their loved ones go through that either. You’re so strong, don’t forget that :) I wish the best for you and your kids as well as your husband. If only I could send all of my healing vibes your way. Your presence will be missed. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here. I know I’m a stranger but sometimes venting to someone outside the situation can help.  again I wish you’re family the best.


Hello friends.
          I hate when people post these types of announcements, but I don't have a choice right now. In 2018 I started writing MCR fics and I received so much love and met so many people during the last few years. Unfortunately, that will have to come to an end, at least for now. I will be taking an indefinite hiatus both from writing as well as Wattpad in general.
          Why? Well, many of you know that I am a married suburban mom outside of Wattpad. My beloved husband of almost 12 years and high school sweetheart was diagnosed with late-stage brain cancer, and it's pretty serious. I have been caring him and supporting him since August when we learned about it. While I was hoping this was just a chapter, brain cancer is no joke and he time with us is limited. I just want to spend as much time with him and our kids as possible while he is still around.
          To be clear, I am not removing any existing fics, and I will be publishing everything I have finished up to this point. I hope to return in the near future to continue this journey we have started together.


@AspynEmmilie I am sending so much love to you and your family.  This isn’t easy at all to have to go through.


I know things are rough and you’re probably not up for hearing “I’m sorry” but you’re an amazing author and I’m sorry life has gotten tough. I hope for a better outcome for you even if things seem bleak, and I wish I could push strength your way. No one deserves to fight something as catastrophic as that and in turn no one deserves to see their loved ones go through that either. You’re so strong, don’t forget that :) I wish the best for you and your kids as well as your husband. If only I could send all of my healing vibes your way. Your presence will be missed. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here. I know I’m a stranger but sometimes venting to someone outside the situation can help.  again I wish you’re family the best.


SIX updates on The Light Behind Your Eyes in 24 hours?! You’re welcome ✨


You know what makes me violent? When writers or Wattpad takes down good stories for no reason. I love to reread good fics and SO MANY good stories have vanished over the last three years 


@AspynEmmilie it’s so true! And stories aren’t finished but discontinued


            I hate my own writing even if people enjoy it. 
            I'm forever editing my stuff and trying to make it good 


@AspynEmmilie Such as 'The punk and the Gentleman' I'm so freaking obsessed with that good stuff but it didn't updated for ages


I’m so happy you updated LBYE


I’ve actually finished writing the bones of the story last night, now it’s just sitting and writing it out. Hang on tight, we’re about to go on a wild ride 


Almost three months ago, I took a step back from writing. I still had ideas I was fleshing out and still reading other awesome fics but over the course of a year I wrote five Frerard fics and I needed a break. 
          But we’re back and I’m rolling out some new ideas. Check out my new fic The Light Behind Your Eyes, the first four chapters are up to binge. 
          I’m glad to be back and buckle up sweethearts, it’s gonna be a ride! 


Hello friends :)
          I know sometimes when the people I follow post messages they are usually something like they are done writing or removing their awesome fics or something. This post is not that. 
          Over the last 10 months straight I’ve written five Frerard fics of different genres. At this time I will be taking a little break. I’ll still be writing but I’d like to release more chapters at once or fully finished stories then one chapter every few weeks. 
          I am working on a couple of fics now and they will be posted in the near future. Thanks lovely people for all your support, and I’ll be seeing you all again soon