
I think I’m going to change the title for fearless for a night. Tell me what you think about: between the Jameson boys 
          	(I’m changing Grayson to Jameson) 
          	I’ll have more info on what I’m changing in the book


Jacob Grayson was leaning against my balcony doors.He looks me over, which is when I remember I'm in my dads sweatshirt and SUPER short shorts, ones you can't see because of the sweatshirt. "I think I like the outfit even more." 
          I glare at him and try to force him onto my balcony. "Get out!" 
          He doesn't move far only to the other side of the doors. "Why, you obviously have nothing important to do," he says. 
          "What does that mean?" 
          He takes a cigarette and lighter from his pocket. "It means you should come with me tonight." 
          Cover is in the author notes of my other books and this is a little sneak peak of Worse than Nicotine