
I've just done something completely crazy and have decided to rewrite Dark Star, but in 1st person instead of 3rd.
          	I must be insane.
          	Oh wait...
          	I'm a writer. Of course I'm slightly insane.


You really write great stories, I immediately fell in love with Venefica, thank you for the amazing story you have provided me with!!


@AshleighNeame aww I see... really look forward to the next chapter!!


@TheNorthernEagle Thanks for your awesome comment! I love this story too - unfortunately I've had a bit of writers block lately and I'm finding it hard to finish the next chapter. I am working on it though!


Thanks for the Follow! How did you find me?


Thank you so much!  I do intend to curate a good urban fantasy reading list  - once I find them. Which is turning out to be harder than I anticipated! I shall check out your recomendations. Thank you so much. 


@Megan-Hayley Also, check out the @WrittenInAction profile - they have a fantasy reading list loaded with books that might be of interest to you.


@Megan-Hayley I'm actually attempting to write my own urban fantasy at the moment so I haven't read much lately, but here are a few I have added to my Reading Lists that seem promising:
            The Medium - CJ Archer
               While this does have elements of romance, none of it is acted on (it's more like sexual or romantic tension - I make it sound worse than it is). It's also set in Victorian London (I don't know if that's something you might like) but still urban - just a different kind of urban. It's one of my favourite stories, so much so that I went and bought this book from iBooks, as well as the rest of the series and more series by this author. Unfortunately, this is only a sample on Wattpad, but I HIGHLY recommend you check it out.
               P.S. she also has more stories on her profile that I think are just as good.
            Submerged: The Mer Chronicles
               I've only read a few chapters of this, but the writing seems to be good quality. I'd like to read it at some point, perhaps when I've finished doing NaNoWriMo.
            Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much here on Wattpad that is urban fantasy with little-to-no romance, much less of high quality (or just not crap) grammar and spelling. That's why I checked out your profile - I hoped you might know!
            If you want some off-Wattpad fantasy suggestions, I'm one of the co-owners of a book review website and these are some stories that might fit what you are looking for:
               - Nightshifted by Cassie Alexander
               - The Watchmaker's Daughter by CJ Archer
               - Tattoo by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
            Hopefully you like at least one of these suggestions!


I have decided to re-write The Demon Empress.  No new chapters will be written until I re-write the existing chapters. I was having a hard time pushing through this wall I seem to have hit, so I'm trying another approach to get me to continue this story.


To be honest, I'm not sure that there will be a TDE update this week. I haven't written a new chapter yet and I'm all out of pre-written ones.
          Sorry to all those who are actually reading it. But I'm super busy and I haven't been in the best mood lately. I can't write anything good right now, and I refuse to post something that I'm not happy with.


Chapter 11 of TDE has been unpublished temporarily. I want to make it private but I can't from mobile and I'm not going to be able to get to a computer anytime soon.
          It shouldn't matter much because it will not be in the next draft anyway, and I may rewrite the Wattpad version to exclude it too.
          We'll have to wait and see.