
Thank you for adding Fly High to your list! Happy reading:)


@AshleeHarrison1 Regarding that, unfortunately I have decided to write in Adrian's POV for the rest of the book saved for one chapter which is a surprise I had planned a long time ago. I hope you can understand my decisions. As for Logan's age, he's currently 31 years old. That is all I can say for now without spoiling too much. Thank you for your continuous support :) I really appreciate that.


@Iori_kei oh and I would like to see some of Logan POV just so I would know his thoughts on Adrian...


@Iori_kei got a questions for you.... Is Logan gay / bi ? And does he has feelings for Adrian ? Oh... And how old is Logan ? I only ask bc it says he been divorce from his wife for like 13 years and I hope he no more than 10 years older than Adrian... Just because Adrian is still in highschool lol you know I didn't want it to be werid if he was like in his 40s lol I just thought I would ask... But either way...I love your book.... it's really good...