
Hello friends who have stuck around this long because you love Calla and Takoda and the Wilderness world!  Update on publishing: I have been querying literary agents- which is the first step in traditionally publishing - my overall hope and dream. However, should no one take on the project, I *will* be self publishing. As of right now I cannot give dates, just because so much is up in the air that I don’t want to get your hopes up.  I will tell you that I do have other fun things planned for *when* Wilderness is published so there will be more than just a book for you to enjoy.  but again, that’s surprises for later. If you would like to follow me on social media I am on Instagram (rarely) and on TikTok where I plan to be posting more. @ashesofchaos is my handle in both places, I will post mostly about my life but there will be occasional book updates there as well. My fanfics are on AO3 under the same username as here ashenroses88. I don’t really use wattpad anymore (because I have beef with them) other than to try to keep up with all of you.  I’d love to keep up with you in other places if you’d like to join me there!  Wilderness is still being published, it just takes a very long time to publish a book I am finding out. Thank you for sticking with me, it means the world to me that you enjoy something I’ve created!! 


@KeKe1Million socials are ashesofchaos only on TikTok and instagram!


@Ashenroses88 I can't find your socials anywhere with that handle. I want updates. I need updates. I really hope you get this out soon. I am missing reading it


Hello friends who have stuck around this long because you love Calla and Takoda and the Wilderness world!  Update on publishing: I have been querying literary agents- which is the first step in traditionally publishing - my overall hope and dream. However, should no one take on the project, I *will* be self publishing. As of right now I cannot give dates, just because so much is up in the air that I don’t want to get your hopes up.  I will tell you that I do have other fun things planned for *when* Wilderness is published so there will be more than just a book for you to enjoy.  but again, that’s surprises for later. If you would like to follow me on social media I am on Instagram (rarely) and on TikTok where I plan to be posting more. @ashesofchaos is my handle in both places, I will post mostly about my life but there will be occasional book updates there as well. My fanfics are on AO3 under the same username as here ashenroses88. I don’t really use wattpad anymore (because I have beef with them) other than to try to keep up with all of you.  I’d love to keep up with you in other places if you’d like to join me there!  Wilderness is still being published, it just takes a very long time to publish a book I am finding out. Thank you for sticking with me, it means the world to me that you enjoy something I’ve created!! 


@KeKe1Million socials are ashesofchaos only on TikTok and instagram!


@Ashenroses88 I can't find your socials anywhere with that handle. I want updates. I need updates. I really hope you get this out soon. I am missing reading it


Hello. To anyone that is looking for Wilderness and Wildfire, this message is for you. Due to some setbacks in life, I did not finish editing the story until last month. However, I HAVE finished editing Wilderness!!!  This may not seem like big news to you, but it’s the first step of publishing!  As of right now it is in the hands of trusted beta readers. Once it is back to me with any notes, then publishing will really begin. 
          I have decided that I want to traditionally publish Wilderness and the other books that follow it. So I am reaching out to professionals to hopefully make that happen. However, I had given myself a time limit on traditional publishing. If no one has picked up the series by the time limit I have given myself - I WILL be self publishing. Please understand that I plan to do this right, and doing this the right way will take time. 
          While I cannot share more details at this time, know that I haven’t forgotten you or these stories, I can only legally say so much right now. 
          I will not now or ever be posting these stories on this site again or any other. I will only be pursuing traditional or self publishing for the Wilderness series. Should you see it posted somewhere, it’s not me, and please alert me asap!
          While I will always update you here -when I have something I can legally tell- would anyone be interested in a social media to follow for updates that way?  If so please let me know. 
          Otherwise I’ll be writing silly fanfic things on ao3 under this same name when I feel like it and can update. 


@Ashenroses88 Are there any updates you can give us yet? I can’t wait to be able to read wilderness again:)


@ Ashenroses88  Yes love it! I would like the updates on social media! So excited for you


@Ashenroses88 I'm wanting to keep updated with them. Absolutely 


Hello friends.  As you have noticed Wilderness and Wildfire are currently not available.  I took them down for editing and hope to have more info on that in the coming months.  As another note, after watching a lot of messy drama happen here for far too long, I find myself spending less and less time here on our orange more YA centered site.  You may be wondering where I am?  In Archives of red and white are where I am spending hOurs my tim3 these days.  Semi-cryptic I know but some people get their panties in a bunch when you mention other places or valid distaste here, even though I see talented writers leaving in droves because their work is being hidden because it's more mature than 'teen'.  So while Wilderness and Wildfire aren't anywhere currently because I'm editing them - again (with the hope to publish them), I'm more active in other places and even debating creating an account on our favorite clock app if you would even be interested in following so you never have to wonder if I just dropped off the face of the planet. ;)


Is your username the same on ao3?