
I'm graduating (hopefully) soon in my last year of college so I thought I should do something else different for my last school festival compared to the three years I spent participating in the festival's events.
          	I decided not to participate in anything for this month and write a book and donate it to the school library as one of my goals for my last year. I'll just watch my friends participate in the games, dances, and sports to cheer them on. I'll walk around with my best friend cosplaying as Marin Kitagawa as a normie cause I got no budget for cosplaying. I just want to be a peaceful spectator with my last festival.
          	Somehow, I feel slightly liberated. Only a few more months. As for the stories I'll write in Wattpad, I have so much in mind but life appears every time. Hopefully I can get back to doing it consistently! I hope yall have a good day! Just a short spilling out :>


Congratulations in advance! Writing a book and donating it to the school library sounds like an awesome goal 


@ArlWrites  congrats man. Feels like a load off your chest huh ? I still got a half semester in highschool before i get to college


This may be random but it's always nice to ask once in a while; How've you been? This isn't in regards to your works or anything! Just wondering how life's treating some of the writers I follow.


@ThePotat420 thank you for asking :> I graduated from college two days ago and celebrated it with family afterward. I have an enhancement program in law school today that I gotta go to! So far, all has been great! 


Your holocouncil story is gone 
          Did you accidentally deleted it somehow


@ArlWrites Just reread my initial comment. Yeah, I wrote the wrong gen. My bad


@ArlWrites Sucks that I can't read the holoadvent one even if it haunts you because it is still incomplete. 
            I'd understand if you plan to rewrite it, though. 


@Overtale6 Somehow I read this wrong. The holocouncil one is up. The holo advent one I unpublished since I'm not really sure how to write it now. Been busy a lot lately with life so I'm just writing the Furina fanfic at random times since it's more manageable. Maybe I'll get back to the holo one at some point.


I'm graduating (hopefully) soon in my last year of college so I thought I should do something else different for my last school festival compared to the three years I spent participating in the festival's events.
          I decided not to participate in anything for this month and write a book and donate it to the school library as one of my goals for my last year. I'll just watch my friends participate in the games, dances, and sports to cheer them on. I'll walk around with my best friend cosplaying as Marin Kitagawa as a normie cause I got no budget for cosplaying. I just want to be a peaceful spectator with my last festival.
          Somehow, I feel slightly liberated. Only a few more months. As for the stories I'll write in Wattpad, I have so much in mind but life appears every time. Hopefully I can get back to doing it consistently! I hope yall have a good day! Just a short spilling out :>


Congratulations in advance! Writing a book and donating it to the school library sounds like an awesome goal 


@ArlWrites  congrats man. Feels like a load off your chest huh ? I still got a half semester in highschool before i get to college


It is almost time to wish for Furina.
          What are your thoughts on the upcoming 4.2 banners? I think I'm going to change my game to English just so I can hear Furina's sass enter my headphones.


@ArlWrites At first I really wasn't going to try for her because someone rumored that Ayato's coming with her too and I really wanted him. But then I thought, these are new characters and knowing Genshin, you can never be sure when you'll ever see a rerun so get them while you can.
            And besides, I like short brats.


@Ganyu_Official you'll get her no matter what! Hope you enjoy! ^ ^ 


@ArlWrites I didn't really pay attention to all the stuff happening in Fontaine and the areas and whatever but I absolutely love furina so ive got guaranteed + 70 wishes <3
            Good luck on your banner pulls btw :)))


Seriously, what is wrong with people sending links and promoting things unrelated to the comments section in an author's story? I thought I'd just handle it maturely by deleting it and muting them as per usual because it's not nice to see that in your written works. I decided to visit their profile and saw their conversation feed was filled to the brim with different users expressing their frustration because that same person commented the same thing in their stories. I do not know what is going on through an individual's mind when they settle with that kind of decision. Personally, I feel glad that my thoughts towards this are not just one-sided and were aligned with the frustrations those different users felt. Just annoyance and sighs. 


@ ArlWrites  something might have happened


@ArlWrites I have a hunch that it's the same person who I've gotten but some of these comments promoting themselves were literally someone asking ME to Collab with them for their works that are completely unrelated and sketchy off the bat or other random profiles. When you're a fresh writer who's just trying to look for nice feed back and all, I personally really love it when I see comments on my works, but end up with this junk is just... strangely erks me more than it should.


hey yall. i just noticed the holoAdvent fanfic's already gotten good attention and im thankful that people do read it! might just be a little busy right now with thesis and all so updates will probably random as i am thinking of the story a lot and how to write it moving forward. for now, i hope you guys enjoy the great wisdom biboo imparted on its latest chapter!


will get back to it soon thank you for the kind words :'<


@ArlWrites i personally like the world building, where u tell the lore of advent and connect it to how they're joining hololive and the reason behind it