
Hello everyone, how are you doing?
          	The land of the Forgotten is a place that has not had any contact with the beast city or anyone else. As such, I have a question cause I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...
          	What language do these beastmen speak??? Like, a more primitive one? An entirely different one?
          	To tell you the truth, in my mind is like broken English, but idk... What do you think? (I mean, I could definitely write in a different language if I really wanted to, but then I would also have to write the translation and where is the fun in that?)
          	Also, random thoughts:
          	In the comic, they made Curtis more muscular. Like hell, Curtis was hitting the gym and lifting weights to be so muscular... Not that I mind, I like him better like that


@AphroditeEros2018   Hi, maybe « broken English » is better ? It’s easier for you to write and for the characters to understand. Because i don’t think many beastmen can speak another language and understand them ? 
          	  If they are sabbertooth, I hope Andromache is gonna take another male  please update, your storie is my favorite, I look everyday for another update. Take care 


Hello everyone, how are you doing?
          The land of the Forgotten is a place that has not had any contact with the beast city or anyone else. As such, I have a question cause I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...
          What language do these beastmen speak??? Like, a more primitive one? An entirely different one?
          To tell you the truth, in my mind is like broken English, but idk... What do you think? (I mean, I could definitely write in a different language if I really wanted to, but then I would also have to write the translation and where is the fun in that?)
          Also, random thoughts:
          In the comic, they made Curtis more muscular. Like hell, Curtis was hitting the gym and lifting weights to be so muscular... Not that I mind, I like him better like that


@AphroditeEros2018   Hi, maybe « broken English » is better ? It’s easier for you to write and for the characters to understand. Because i don’t think many beastmen can speak another language and understand them ? 
            If they are sabbertooth, I hope Andromache is gonna take another male  please update, your storie is my favorite, I look everyday for another update. Take care 


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
Hello dear readers! Author here~
          I know that this is so random, but holy hell, I can't stand Qingqing in the comic anymore!!! 
          In the most recent chapter in the comic (ch. 555 or ch. 558 depending on what site you are reading it), she herself has said that she is a FUCKING BURDEN TOEVERYONE!!! Like holy fuck, only now you understand that you are deliberately putting everyone's life in danger because of your stupidity!? 
          You never listen to anyones advice or words, you always go with your stupid ideas endangering anyone else in the process because you are such a ginormous idiot and in the end you have the guts to say "I'm sorry maybe everyone will be better without me"!? 
          Bitch, Winston was poisoned because of you, your baby was also borned poisoned, Winston has to constantly endure being humiliated by you because you never fucking listen to him, you brought your infant baby to the scorpion territory (Again, HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN YOU ACTUALLY BE?), Curtis is also poisoned because he is constantly trying to protect you and now the poison is making him act crazy every single night. Winston told you to go as far away from Curtis as you possibly fucking can because you are in direct danger when you are near him when he is like this and what did you do???
          Not only did you not go away, no no no, you went directly towards Curtis and poor Parker and Winston have to fight Curtis to death if they want you and your baby...
          Like wow bitch, just fucking wow....
          Anyway, that was just a s.all rant from me because I hate Qingqing with a passion.
          P.S. The art style in the comic changed yet again and I fuckinh hate the recent one, like holy hell does it look ugly.


@AphroditeEros2018 kudos to you for reading that far, I got pissed off so quick I barely made it past the first few couple chapters. I only know the plot based off fanfiction on here 


@AphroditeEros2018 That's it's why I want to see her suffering ten thousand ways is possible!


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I am crying from laughter! Hahahahaha! Dumbass Bai strikes again! But is that really surprising? LOL. 
            THIS is why everyone prefers OC'S in Bai's place. Thank God for fanfiction! 
            The only thing I can think of when she says she's sorry for everything is that vine - "Go back to sleep & starve!" Hahahahaha! 