
So I didn't go to school today and I finished all my work so I'll be online today! :D
          	Also I almost thought I lost my account bc Wattpad decided to log me out and not let me log in for an hour :,)


@AnzuLenz Forgot to say I had to reinstall Wattpad and I forgot I had adjusted settings so I got flashbanged when I went to reply to my friend T^T


So I didn't go to school today and I finished all my work so I'll be online today! :D
          Also I almost thought I lost my account bc Wattpad decided to log me out and not let me log in for an hour :,)


@AnzuLenz Forgot to say I had to reinstall Wattpad and I forgot I had adjusted settings so I got flashbanged when I went to reply to my friend T^T


School tomorrow.. Not happy that I have to disappear again '^'


@mappelshade Usually yes but it so happens that I'm not going to school today and have no work SO YIPPIE :3


@AnzuLenz it’s okay don’t worry ;3 you will be back at weekends right? 


I was supposed to go on here in the morning but I was struggling to make breakfast and didn't realize it's no longer morning-
          Anyways!! I'll be online during the weekends since no school and I managed to finish all of my work :) If I can't be on here on a Sunday or Saturday then I'll just update here :3


@Fine_RandomPerson I'm dumb asf I just tried to use an Emoji again


@Fine_RandomPerson You made me remember when I was trying to use an emoji in the announcement 


@AnzuLenz  Alright, now I know when you’re on here (*casually almost forgets I can’t use emojis on here*)


Okay uh- disappeared without warning yet AGAIN, this time WAY longer, I'd like to apologize for that but school has started and I have been falling a bit behind on work. Not to mention the drama still going on during this so you can probably guess how chaotic it is, I won't say anymore than that but hopefully you get the idea! I'm feeling a little tired right now but I have time to go on here so I figured to make this so y'all know that I am not a pancake set on fire :) Anyways, because of all the work and stuff, I'll probably go on here on very random times such as now


@AnzuLenz okey, but i won’t say that you’re bad at it. But i don’t know what to say about the losing interest ig. 
            And I’m having some supprises in art book and one will come soon and who you will be very happy ig.
             (its about eclipse)


@mappelshade I guess I'm not good at writing it lol, but because I just lost interest in it or something mostly 'v'
            However in SOME books there might IMPLIED smut/lemon, just not on screen :3


Geez I disappeared for more than 3 days without warning- I'd like to apologize for that as I didn't even notice how much time has passed since I was last on here! But unfortunately it'll most likely happen again due to some.. family drama, I won't go into much detail but to give you an idea it's basically accusations thrown around that my Mom and Brother got accused recently, it's.. Chaotic here, to say the least
          Sadly, due to this I might not be online as often, and this also means that the fics I was planning to publish later will be on hold, such as my "More Than Friends" Smiling Critters fic, "Too Late!" Octonauts fic, and another Gametoons Poppy Playtime AU(that obviously connects with Coraline's/friend's AU, just with a "What If" twist) that I'm working on
          Though I'll try to get online when I do have time! :D Just really wish this huge drama didn't happen in the first place as I REALLY wanted to finish and publish those fics :( But I'm sure I'll be able to do so after the drama ends!
          Thank you for reading and hopefully you understand! And this isn't goodbye, I'm sure I'll be back online on my usual time and usual groundings lol


@AnzuLenz first of all. You don’t need to apologize for that.
            Second i absolutely understand i know what it means to have family drama/problem. 
            Just good to know what’s going on. Yk I’m afraid of losing someone, and when they disappear for a while i start to worry. 


@Fine_RandomPerson Okay! Thanks, I'll be sure to keep that in mind :) (and it will, family drama doesn't happen often but when it does it always gets figured out in the end :3)


@AnzuLenz  It’s fine Anzu, don’t be a hurry to get back on here, your well being comes first. (And I hope that family drama resolves soon.)


Your doing okey anzu?


@AnzuLenz okey (๑•ૅㅁ•๑)  


@mappelshade Not even I know what happened TvT
            (They just ground me out of nowhere and I'm like "HUH")


@AnzuLenz do i have to know what happened, again? ( ・∇・)


Got finally the time to enter wattpad again and see anzu is getting addicted to it, and not remembering how addicted I’m too. And also not me how eats chocolate rn. *hisses* my chocolate! (T ^ T)


@AnzuLenz I’m not chocolate addicted, i promise
            (T ^ T) 