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@MrWriteAlot  Thanks for the invitation, but I only have a Twitter account at the moment.


Here's a small sample of chapter 8:
          Claire stared at him, incredulous. Was he thinking to let Sylandra free after what she did? Claire frowned. There was no way she was going to allow it. That woman had to pay for the heartache she’d caused. She would make sure the witch got what she deserved. Several years behind bars.
          “Mr. Anarion, I can understand your reluctance seeing that Sylandra was Tarim’s girlfriend. But she’s a kidnapper and I won’t rest until I see her sent to prison.”
          Garrik’s light blue eyes turned to crystals as he stared coldly at her. “You misunderstand me. Sylandra won’t go unpunished. I will personally see she gets what she deserves for her crime. But that’s up to us to decide and not the authorities. We have our laws and I will follow them.”
          They had their own laws? He made it sound as though they were an organization of some sort. Her eyes widened. What if they were? Maybe they were involved with the mafia or something as corrupt.
          From her right, she heard Puck sigh. “Garrik, you’re scaring her,” he said.