
Hey Lovies!
          	As I've said, Happy Chaos is going to be coming to a wrap very soon. I'm not sure if I've mentioned before or not but it is the first book I've ever written so it is veryyyyy rough. So, after I've completed it I am going to make a "new" version where I made edits to it and really pull it together more. I also hadn't originally planned to have them all be in a relationship together so there really isn't any build up of it in the beginning of the story so I for sure will do that! 
          	Also, I just want to thank everyone who's stuck with it with the long time periods between updates. It truly means the world to me. 
          	I mentioned in one of the most recent updates that I will be posting another lesbian poly story. I'm planning on having it come out towards the end of April. 
          	Much love<33


Hey Lovies!
          As I've said, Happy Chaos is going to be coming to a wrap very soon. I'm not sure if I've mentioned before or not but it is the first book I've ever written so it is veryyyyy rough. So, after I've completed it I am going to make a "new" version where I made edits to it and really pull it together more. I also hadn't originally planned to have them all be in a relationship together so there really isn't any build up of it in the beginning of the story so I for sure will do that! 
          Also, I just want to thank everyone who's stuck with it with the long time periods between updates. It truly means the world to me. 
          I mentioned in one of the most recent updates that I will be posting another lesbian poly story. I'm planning on having it come out towards the end of April. 
          Much love<33


Hey guys! So sorry for being MIA for so long but I think there will be about four more chapters of happy chaos and then it’ll be done!! 
          I also wanted to let yall know that I’m going to be writing another poly story called “Pretty like the Wind” and I will continue to write in the devils grasp because I finally have  access for my Netflix now on my phone so it’ll be easier. 
          Thanks so much for your patience! 


A new update for Happy Chaos will be out tomorrow night!


@Daniel4Andrade thanks so much!! I have a chapter currently in the works that’s almost done. I would’ve had it published around five but my power went out for a few hours which sucked but it’s back up now!! I just got to finish a case file game I started with my mom lol and then it should be out<33


@Anonymousteenager69 No pressure. It's important to take your time. I hope you feel better.


@Daniel4Andrade it was supposed to be last night but I was really tired after work and haven’t felt the best. I slept till 3:00pm today when I typically wake up at 9:00am lol. I am finishing up in the next chapter tho! 


Hello everyone! Don’t worry I have not forgotten about ‘Happy Chaos’ and am totally going to continue writing it. It’s just that I’ve been crazy busy and I will be crazy busy in these upcoming months since I’m going to college. I just officially moved into my dorm the day before yesterday. And I’m studying chemistry which will take a lot of time and effort.
          So, I’m going to take a little break from it. Again, I’m not leaving it behind and I’m going to continue writing it. I just need some time.  Especially because I’m trying to adjust to this new, crazy environment and make friends. 
          Have a wonderful rest of y’all’s day❤️