
I'm back! I'm trying to get back into my writing (and I will this time, I promise!) 
          	A lot has been happening this end. I finished college, found myself the perfect job, decided not to go to uni. 
          	It's been pretty hectic. I'm sorry I've been away for so long! 
          	I can't wait to get back onto my writing though! 


@Anonymous-mouse HEY!!!  Glad to have you back on here! I was just thinking of you the other day Hahaha 


I'm back! I'm trying to get back into my writing (and I will this time, I promise!) 
          A lot has been happening this end. I finished college, found myself the perfect job, decided not to go to uni. 
          It's been pretty hectic. I'm sorry I've been away for so long! 
          I can't wait to get back onto my writing though! 


@Anonymous-mouse HEY!!!  Glad to have you back on here! I was just thinking of you the other day Hahaha 


Well, still no updates from me guys. My parents say they want me to focus on my exams rather than writing. 
          I managed to lose another job. It was only temporary anyway, but it still knocked me back when I was told I was no longer needed. 
          So yeah. Things aren't great. But there will be new fanfics if you just hold on until July. I promise. It can't come fast enough for me. 


@Anonymous-mouse hang in there, Sam. It'll all come back into place soon.  good luck and have a nice day 


Hey guys, just a quick update for y'all on everything. 
          I dropped A Level law. It was a big decision for me, but after over a year of failing it, I realised it's the best way forward for me. This means I'm only doing two A Levels now, and I also do EPQ. 
          I also lost my job. After three weeks, I was sacked through no fault of my own. Yes, I'm bitter over this. Yes, it put me down and pushed me back, and knocked my confidence. But I have to move on. I'm searching for another one, but with little success. 
          So, I hope to be back to writing. I can't promise regular updates, or anything of my best quality. But I can say I'm coming back. And I can't wait to jump straight back to writing again. 


Okay, so my writing is going to have to go to the side for a short while again because of college. 
          My AS results weren't great. I came out with a C in English Language, a D in English Literature, and an E in Law. So I sort of need to get my head down a bit more this year and just get the work done. 
          I've also managed to get a job, and I've just finished my second week of it. The only issue with this is that it means I'm not going to have time between college work and work to actually do any writing. So I'm going to have to stop. 
          Nothing has changed - I still want to be a writer. But for now, my writing (including the more serious pieces I'm working on privately) has to come last. It makes me sad to have to go, but it's my only way forward. I'm sorry guys. 
          I'll be here whenever I can come back. And I'm always over on Instagram (Kaiser.chief, indoor.firework, and ohbookit) and Twitter (samayreslul) if you want to talk to me. 
          Don't forget that I love every single one of you!!


I'm back!
          Exams are nearly over (and I'm hastily running away from the disaster field which is my brain), so I'm going to be writing again!
          At the moment, I'm editing New Start, creating a new cover, and adding some major plot changes/developments which will really bring it forward. 
          Afterwards, I'm going to try and update my Ricky Wilson fanfics(but I can't promise anything) 
          I hope y'all are okay!  


Hi guys, I've been meaning to do this for a while, so here goes. 
          I'm taking a break from Wattpad. It's not because I don't enjoy writing - I still love it. The problem is, I just can't do it at the moment. 
          I'm failing Literature, and barely passing Law at college. I really need to focus on them. I can't afford to have to drop out after this year, I really need this. 
          I've also started volunteering, where I help lead sessions at a group in my old school's library. This means I have to do some work at home, so that means even less time for writing, too. 
          So writing must become my last priority. I'm sorry, and I will come back. But I just can't be on right now. 
          I hope all of you understand 
          (Psst, Morganville fans - who's going to the tour? I'm gonna be at Nottingham, so let me know if you're coming so I know if I might see you!) 


Hey  I uploaded the first chapter of the fic that I said to you I'd publish. Is it possible if you told me what you think? Or any feedback? 


Hehehehehehe! I hope it was okay! ❤️ Thank you 

