
So, should I consider continuing my Merlin fan fiction or nah? 
          	I was re-reading some of my edited chapters and man I do kinda miss Merlin 


@Anna_H_Reign I'm so late to this, but YES PLEASE GOD


Hello everyone! I just updated on Bloody Bullet! It's a small one but nonetheless something to keep your smiles and hopes up! Can't promise the next one will be as happy as the last two chapters! Be sure to check it out! (*´︶`*)ฅ♡


I had the honour and love from some close friends of mine,that entrusted me with some of their D&D characters,to write them into a work of my own!It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to Bloody Bullet!❤A small book with small stories that contain our lovable friends!The rights of the characters obviously go to their creators, and so is the campaign that is created by the DM respectfully! You can find the first chapter over at my profile!
          Warning some chapters may contain some mature content so read at your own risk!!!