
Decided to enter my short story Malefic to a competition of dark/scary stories. We'll see how it goes.. ;)


Hey<3 If ur looking for ways to promote ur book, check out Nexus, You are invited to Join, join Nexus thro @LoveofTheCursed <3


@SweeterThanFicion Thank you! :) I've had the book in my library for a while, waiting for the day I have something good enough to promote. I'm hoping that won’t take too long.. ;)


I finished your book Dark Waters I wanted to tell you that it is a real breath of fresh air to read a book as well thought out and carefully written. Even down to the grammar I struggle to find any faults. Other than it was too short and finished too quickly. Well done :)


@8writerandreader8 Thank you so much again for reading! I really appreciated all the comments and the feedback! ❤️ And I think I'll give it a go to draw something for your book. The main characters could be fun to try to give some faces to... I'll see what I can come up with.. ;)


Hey dear If you have time can you read my this book and show some love and your precious reviews ♡


@writersawda Hi! I gave your book a try, but with my dyslexia, it feels... messy. It feels like some words are missing and the lack of "tags" to separate dialog from the rest of the text makes me lose track of the story. Mafia-love isn't my thing either. I hope you don’t see that as hate - it's just not my thing. However, I could just go through it and give it some votes if you’d like. There are plenty of people that like this kind of stories and I don’t mind upvoting it to help the right readers find it. ❤️


@writersawda I'll put it in my library and take a look when I'm done with the books I'm currently reading. :)


Thanks for following ❤️. I hope you'd love to read my story, DARK HEELS. Thank you.


@priscy0728 I'll put it in my library and take a look when I've read the other books in my list. ;)


Heyy I hope you are okay if you have some spare time can you check out my book Shadow Thief.  I am happy to read one of yours as well


@8writerandreader8 Sure. I have only 3 books in English so far, but you can read any one of them if you like. One ONC entry, one short story and a The Maze Runner-fanfic in progress on my other account ( @AMPERArt ), but no rush. I did put your book in my library and I will read it soon. :)