
New announcement!
          	Okay so I don’t know if any of you have heard of a niche show called Grimm - I just finished rewatching it. 
          	And when you find a niche show, you fall in love with characters that have no fanfictions written about them - it sucks. 
          	The character in question is Trubel or Theresa Rubel. I don’t know what it is, just something about her is . 
          	So I have decided to take it upon myself to write a fanfic based on Trubel. 
          	I just wanted to announce it to let you all know it will be coming, just may take a little because I’m in the home stretch of my degree and almost finished. 


@Animegodess123 exactly my point,others I've talked to just out right him. They don't even thunk he was alright


@GrindelwaldSparrow lol, nah. I mean I don’t particularly like him, but I don’t hate him - he was alright 


New announcement!
          Okay so I don’t know if any of you have heard of a niche show called Grimm - I just finished rewatching it. 
          And when you find a niche show, you fall in love with characters that have no fanfictions written about them - it sucks. 
          The character in question is Trubel or Theresa Rubel. I don’t know what it is, just something about her is . 
          So I have decided to take it upon myself to write a fanfic based on Trubel. 
          I just wanted to announce it to let you all know it will be coming, just may take a little because I’m in the home stretch of my degree and almost finished. 


@Animegodess123 exactly my point,others I've talked to just out right him. They don't even thunk he was alright


@GrindelwaldSparrow lol, nah. I mean I don’t particularly like him, but I don’t hate him - he was alright 


Good morning/ evening/ night my lovelies!!!
          I feel I don’t interact with you guys enough or share how truely grateful I am. Without all of you, I wouldn’t be where I am today. 
          So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 
          And on that note! Q&A time!
          Ask me whatever you want to know about me in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer. 
          I am curious though, comment below what country you are writing from - I want to see how far my followers span. I’m from Australia. 
          Love you guys and can’t wait to answer all your questions!
          ~ A. G. 


@raven121_u I’ll add it to my list!


@Animegodess123 yes and it's got 7 seasons


@ArianaJay794 I’m jealous! I love the UK! 


Hello my beautiful followers!!! I am writing to announce that I have been working on something! 
          It was an idea I had started like a year ago, but recently I decided to fall back into it and over the past week I’ve binged out most of the story, just doing some final touches. 
          It’s a Mattheo Riddle x Reader called ‘The Bet’ and I’m honestly pretty happy with it. 
          I know I haven’t written anything in a LOOONGGGG time, but I want to get back into it. I’ve almost finished my uni degree which will allow more time for me to focus on this. 
          Anyway! I’ll be in touch and I hope to hear from you all soon!!!!
          ~ A. G. 


@Shadow4242 thank you!!!! It feels so good!!!


@CTaylor33 thank you!!! I can’t wait to post it!


@Animegodess123 this is so exciting!!! I cant wait to read it!


Everyone go give @CTaylor33 some love!!! Her Sebastian Sallow x reader story is AMAZING!! I’m only half way through and loving EVERY second. 
          Keep up the good work! 


Ahahaha that’s okay!! 


@Animegodess123 omg I am just seeing this....what??? I literally just got this notification but I'm so so so happy you like it!!! Thank you!!! Also I saw you're other announcement i cant wait to see what you're working on!!!


ey everyone, I know I’ve been pretty dead for a while but Ive just been so caught up in my university studies and external life factors that I just haven’t had the time to write in a long time (sadly). I’m really hoping to get back on my feel soon and once that happens I’m hoping to start releasing more materials - I’ll probably go over and clear up the terrible grammar from my old ones . 
          But I just want to say a massive thank you for all the support and love I’ve received. Your comments never fail to make me laugh and it helps brighten my mood. 
          Also  on that topic, thank you for almost 900 followers!!! That is insane to me and I honestly NEVER thought that would happen. I just wanted to write stories that I, and others, would enjoy but I didn’t think it would spread so far. ‘I Don’t Care’ is ranked #17 out of 200+ stories with 119k reads which is INSANE. ‘Lonely’ has 33k reads and is ranked #247 out of over a 1000 Loki stories which is crazy! ‘Connection’ is at 108k views and #61 out of 1000+ stories. Statesmen is at #1 place in ranking which is absolutely mind blowing!!!! ‘Sane Love’ is #123 out of 1000+ stories. ‘Trust is Key’ is #29 out of 786 stories. And finally, my first story being ‘After the War’ at #61 out of 788 stories and 299k reads!!!
          The point is that I can never express how grateful I am for all your love and support and I am just glad to be sharing something that people can enjoy. 
          I hope everyone has an amazing day/ night (depending where you are) and I love you guys so so so much. 
          ~ A. G.