
So I have good news! My counsellor discharged me, she feels that I’ve improved over the last few sessions and thinks I’m better. She says I even look healthier than what I used to be so I’m getting better! 


Ah man guys my life’s gone to utter QUACK! 
          - going through a break up after 9 months (Great :|) 
          - my dad and step mum (WHOM I ADORE) Are splitting up 
          - I’ve lost ALL my friends because they’re all toxic AF 
          - And I’m suffering with sleep paralysis snd Hallucinations (SO CUTE!) 


@Anime_fanfics3006 dang I don't know either I'm sorry man I hope you get better try incense or aromatherapy I got a defuser for my pregnant co-worker because she would just burst into tears for no reason it seemed to help her.


@Lirix123 I’ve been to the doctors multiple times about these issues and I’m in therapy I don’t know what more I can do at this point… 


@Anime_fanfics3006 You need to find something to help you manage your stress man be careful. 


Hi all, so I’ve decided that I’m taking some time away from writing and just Wattpad in general. As you know I’m struggling with mental health and at the moment my depression specifically right now it’s just taken a MASSIVE downturn especially today… 
          Right now I feel incredibly isolated from people around me, including my own family and friends and I just need to focus on myself before it gets to the point where it’s too late and I’ve completely lost the plot. 
          I hope I can say that I’ll be okay but at this moment of time I’m not entirely sure that will be the case…I hope you guys all can understand and be patient with me…


Guys the realisation has hit me… my age is a little TOO serious this year…


@xalyyn like serious 18 sounding kinda too serious… 


Anyone else’s Wattpad being dodgy? Tryna update chapters and it’s not putting them in the opposite order and then after I put the title on I can’t change the fonts to actually start writing. Gotta kill the app and go back on just to do that!? 


@Anime_fanfics3006 huh I don't know, it might be the usual Wattpad errors </3


Almost got sacked from my job after Guinea pig tried to crawl into my pocket…he obviously wanted to come home with me but my manager said no 


@Anime_fanfics3006 you posted this on saturday 


@xalyyn how’d yknow it happened on a Saturday 


So bit of an update, good news and bad news. 
          Start with the bad news, I took a huge downturn with my mental health the other day which lead to me having a pretty severe panic attack episode which it lasted over 30 minutes. for me not being able to breath and being home alone when it happened I was Fkn terrified and I had to get the Mental Health Crisis team involved to get proper help. 
          The good news though I was taken to see a doctor and they prescribed me with Propranolol which slows down your heart rate and makes it easier for your heart to pump blood around your body. It's usually prescribed for high blood pressure and other heart problems, but it can also help with the physical symptoms of anxiety, like sweating and shaking. 
          Another bit of good news is that I’ve been reffered to a professional therapist through the NHS I’m just waiting on the list to be seen. 
          We still don’t know what’s causing these panic attacks, I don’t think this is related to my grandmas passing anymore and I do think it is something else causing my attacks and depression.


@Anime_fanfics3006 damn okay thats a whole lot to take in. feel free to dm me whenever you feel like you have no one to talk to, alr? just wish you the best and hope you feel better.


@xalyyn I know that some triggers are being in environments that remind me of my grandmother, I can’t go to the location that she has been scattered, I can’t look at Funeral cars, topics of Dementia itself can trigger me and going near the Palliative care/end of life care unit at the hospital I work at can trigger it. Those are only SOME of my triggers, the rest I can’t seem to understand, I think it’s just being in stressful situations 


@Anime_fanfics3006 do you have any idea how or what could've caused these panic attacks or triggers? I really just want you to feel okay