
I made a Reddit community where you can promote your own account and stories, along with giving or asking for story recommendations. If you’re interested, here’s the link:


I've got some potentially exciting news! 
          I have officially created a Discord server where followers from all of my accounts can gather together to chat! There's individual chat and voice channels for each one of my Wattpad accounts so you can talk to people who are interested in the same things you are, and the other people reading the stories from that account. There's also a general chat where you can talk to everyone! I have also included a chat where you can post any and all fanart you've made for my stories. I will also be posting what stories will be getting published next once current stories are finished!
          Join my Discord server:


Imma be 100% honest with y’all…
          I have a million different fics in my drafts that I’ve been working on instead of focusing on a singular one like a normal person. I love coming up with new ideas but actually writing them takes so much motivation bro. Somebody needs to slap me every time I start a new story instead of working on one I already have. Uggh 


Hi I was wondering if requests were still open for the anime lemonades? If so I was wondering if you would be willing to do a Gyutaro from Demon Slayer X reader but the reader is half demon.


@AnimeMaster44 lucky or unlucky idk because work TTvTT But homework isn't that bad when you think. abt it I just don't like IXL.


@UnLuckyKitsune oof I graduated forever ago so I don’t feel that pain anymore lol


@AnimeMaster44 ^^✧ Why am I up at this time, you may ask? Homework. TvT