


Don’t forget me if you go down in history!


            I promise, I will put you in my dedication speach 


Hello people, since I have downloaded this app I have made lots of changes in my life. I have taken big steps towards becoming who I want to be. I feel as though having this app restrains me somewhat from becoming the person I want to be. I have enjoyed the time and the wonderful people I have connected with on this app, but from now on I will no longer be active on wattpad. I am deleting this app and I am looking forward to the person I will become in the future. I will be active until tomorrow most likely, so if you have anything you would like to say to me I will make sure to be active until then. Till then, I hope everyone here has an amazing life ahead of them. 
               With love, 


@AngelWhite24 Well all miss you! Thanks for being awesome!


Hey yall! Long time no see, but I'm back! I probably won't be as active as I was, and I have started to drift away from Kotlc (don't get me wrong I still love them) and read other book series that have been amazing, but yeah, if you ever need to talk you know how to message me! <3


@AngelWhite24 okay thanks! Wow that’s a lot lol


            Btw, I love hunger games, Harry Potter, keeper of the Lost cities, Red Queen, and so many more books. Im also I'm about to start reading 45 pounds ( more or less) which I hope to be a good book. I have also read cordially invited, and one of the most amazing books I've ever read, called daughters of the deep by Rick Gordon who also wrote The amazing Percy Jackson series. These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.