
JIN. IS. BACK!!!!!!


Hello there, this is the host of 'The Bibliophilic Awards'. Please make sure to reply to me regarding your participation and judging within the next 48 hours. Someone else has been trying to get a slot for it, so it will be given to them if I don't get an update. 


Hi AngelMisty032,
          This is the host of 'The Bibliophilic Awards Season 2'. I hope you're doing well. I'm sorry for the unexpected hiatus in our award series due to my final year exams and assignments. We’re planning to resume on June 1st. Would you like to continue participating in categories [ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴘᴀʀᴀɴᴏʀᴍᴀʟ] with your book 'What am I to you'?


@AngelMisty032 yeah sure, share the results at (


OK, I know what I said about giving you a new chapter yesterday. 
          But guess what?....
          I caught COVID!!! YAY... exciting isn't it?
          So now the update will be when I actually get the time to publish it. 
          Hang in there till then
          ~Angel Misty


this message may be offensive
Hi guys!!!
          I am back!
          Seriously, going to uni is like getting hit by a bus. At first, the nervousness is there, but then everything starts to ease out as you get comfortable and start enjoying the new experience. The next minute, a bitch called socialising comes in the way. Highly introverted people can relate to how I feel right now. I am surrounded by like 300 people in my hostel and I know absolutely nobody and I have to throw myself in there.
          Long story short, BE CONFIDENT. Don't be like me.
          : )
          ~Angel Misty
          P.S: Forgot to say the main thing I came here to say hehe. I am back and slowly working towards the next chapters of The Masked Secrets K.NJ. Please be patient as this is just the first week of uni for me so you can expect a few delays however I can manage to get your next chapter next week!
          Stay cool, and stay hydrated or I'll get BTS to kick your ass.



@tae_ifa_kook its amazing so far. love it!!!


Sorry for unwanted notification! 
          I saw one video in which jk is saying " I'm a human too " and that broke my heart into million pieces. Armys are being so toxic day by day! 


@tae_ifa_kook what is wrong with some armys? im emphasizing SOME armys. its not like all of them do this but because of some armys who are getting toxic and obsessed over bts makes the entire fandom seem bad.


@tae_ifa_kook same, i saw that one too
            he's literally someone like us who has his own life