
(Posted on the earliest chapter of ROS!)
          	AD. here once again with an update! My hands are feeling better now though my doctor suggested that I still take it easy on the typing, though I'm ready to post more now and I'll start updating 2 Chapters per week on Tuesday and Thursday!
          	The regular schedule would be back once I'm sure that my wrist won't hurt anymore, thank you for reading! 


(Posted on the earliest chapter of ROS!)
          AD. here once again with an update! My hands are feeling better now though my doctor suggested that I still take it easy on the typing, though I'm ready to post more now and I'll start updating 2 Chapters per week on Tuesday and Thursday!
          The regular schedule would be back once I'm sure that my wrist won't hurt anymore, thank you for reading! 


(I've posted this announcement on the latest chapter but I'll do it again here just in case :) )
          I've managed to write this much even with sore hands, though I'm only here to post about my health updates.
          I went to the doctor and she suggested that I still should be taking breaks, my wrists are still feeling quite sore even though they're better than last time, anyway, I'll upload a chapter next week for sure just to keep the story going until I'm able to get back on schedule.
          Thank you for reading!


(Forgot to post this on Wattpad oopsies—) 
          Hello, it's AD here! First of all, I just want to say thank you to all of you who've read my novel so far, it's been fun writing this and just experimenting with this sort of style for the first time.
          However, this is an IMPORTANT announcement. No, this story isn't going anywhere—I just want to take a break from writing.
          My hands are very sore and the other day it even became very difficult for me to move my wrist and fingers without hurting them. So for the sake of my health I'll be taking a break from writing, I'll try and at least write bits and bits so all of you will still have something nice to read by the time I get back!
          I'll first try resting for a week and see if it's better, if it's not then I might have to not write anything at all until my hands feel better.
          Anyhow, thank you to all of you again for reading my novel, I hope you have a nice day/night!


@AncientDreamZz Hope you get better and see you later


Hey! So as you could probably guess, I've been putting my book on hold for the time being.
          The reason was stated in the latest chapter of the novel, but I'll say it again here.
          My dad had recently passed away, so I'm taking some time off to grieve and do some other work that needed to be done.
          But I'm now ready, sort of, I made an announcement on my instragram (ancientdreamzz) so if you want to know more, go check it out! 


@AncientDreamZz wow, that sucks to hear. take as much time as you need and I hope you feel better soon


I've now decided to open a Patreon!

          There has been a situation back at home that requires me to start the Patreon right now. If you like my content you can support me for a minimum of only 1 Dollar!
          Thank you so much in advance.