
Hey All!
          	As you may know, the edited version of Make Me is live on Amazon, but now they are also available on my patreon.
          	I do not have much time to interact with Wattpad anymore, but I'll try to drop in every now and then. 
          	For the people who have been waiting for the second book to be finished, do not worry, It seems I will collaborate on that too with this publishing company, but it might take a while. But there will be a finished version some day. 
          	Thanks for every kind word, and for everyone who enjoyed this story with me!


is this available for all tiers?


Hey All!
          As you may know, the edited version of Make Me is live on Amazon, but now they are also available on my patreon.
          I do not have much time to interact with Wattpad anymore, but I'll try to drop in every now and then. 
          For the people who have been waiting for the second book to be finished, do not worry, It seems I will collaborate on that too with this publishing company, but it might take a while. But there will be a finished version some day. 
          Thanks for every kind word, and for everyone who enjoyed this story with me!


is this available for all tiers?


I have been reading 'Make me' for few days and I was listening to this song 'Masterpiece' by cloudy Jane and I couldn’t help but be remined of the book by these lyrics,
          You've got an artist inside you
          Come drown in my navy blue
          Tonight let the artist inside me be you
          Baby paint me like a canvas - don't mind
          Your dripping colors on the mattress - tonight
          Dip your brush into the pallet - oh my
          Make the shades of you and me a masterpiece
          Put your body where my heart is - my love
          I'm the muse and you're the artist don't stop
          Gotta finish what you started - oh god
          Make the shades of you and me a masterpiece
          I had to put it out here 


@YourLittleChihuahua I'll listen to the song, the lyrics has bought me


Will you also be publishing Make Us. I'm dying to know how it ends 


@Kygirl607 Yes it appears I will, but it might take a while. When I edited the first book, a lot of tiny changes have been made, and so the second book will have to abide by it too. I'll update where this project is at when I can.


this message may be offensive
Man I managed to binge read both books within a couple of days and omg I barely find books that good my interest all the way through-
          Your writhing skills are so fucking amazing and the description of feelings or scenes almost make me feel like I'm watching a movie-
          But I absolutely love this series!


@Alice-snake  Thank you so much! Also, sorry for the delayed response, I haven't been online here much.


Make Me Offical Published version is LIVE and available from today on Amazon! 
          Links are below! 



@hesHadesbitch Yes, as it appears now! Thank you for your support!


@Amnesiane are you going to publish book 2 too?


@Amnesiane i have been waiting for this for so long, thankyou!!!


Professionally edited, rewrote "Make Me" with extra chapters will be available to get on Amazon on June 28, 2023 12PM EST. (TOMORROW)
          SO very excited! I have grown a lot as a writer over the years, and as Make Me is very dear to my heart, It was an amazing experience to rework it and have it published! I know I have been absent on this app, but hopefully, reading the finished version will make up for everything for you guys as well! 
          Thank you so much for your support over the years, both toward me, and toward the closeted, murderous idiot I have chosen as a protagonist - Seth Wilson. 
          Love you all,
          Ryan Waltz.


I love your book so much!!


One of my favorite books. I cant wait 


omg I love this book sm! Can’t wait to buy it