
Hey Silly Kittens! I have made a new account! It's @FantasyJoann !
          	From now on, unless there's something urgent, I won't post on here! That's the main account! 
          	Goodbye! See you there!


Hey Silly Kittens! I have made a new account! It's @FantasyJoann !
          From now on, unless there's something urgent, I won't post on here! That's the main account! 
          Goodbye! See you there!


Hey Silly Kittens! In case you didn't read the last announcement, I'm deciding to start a new account. There's two ways I can do this, but I need your help in deciding. Obviously I'm terrible decider.
          Way #1: Delete this account and start a new one. 
          Way #2: Save this account and start a new one. 
          The next couple are regarding my username
          Way #1: Should I reveal my name in the username? When I publish my book, I need people to read it. Wattpad is basically my network... so you'll know my real name by then. 
          Way #2: Have a "fake" username until idk. 
          And I need username suggestions without any warrior cats or whatever. I'm not into Warrior Cats anymore (srry Warrior Cat fans). Even if I use my real name in the username; I don't only want my name. I mean, it's five letters. Pretty boring for me. 
          Any suggestions? 
          Have a good rest of your afternoon!!


@Ambershine_Christian yea saving this acc is a good idea bc it could be an archive or Time Capsule of sorts for the future


@RosestarofRoseClan11 Oh yeeeaaah! I just figured it out. ugh. I'll just figure out the gmail fiasco.


@Ambershine_Christian Oof, that's strange. Are you using a different email for it? Because I'm pretty sure you need two emails to be able to do that. If there are any other methods, Idk about them :\


Oh my gosh! Hello everyone! It has been so long! I don't even know if any of you are active, but Happy New Year! (late)
          I feel so old when I look back at my old account. It's really amazing at how far... and low it got. I'm personally thinking of creating an entirely new account to start over. 
          In my other life, I personally wrote a real book. Like legit. I've been writing it for 4 years, and I plan to publish it in 4 years. I just want to start over and gain more experience from Wattpad. 
          You guys can follow me on that other account once I've found a new username.
          What do you guys think?


@Ambershine_Christian Maybe just stop once it gets REALLY interesting, XD!


@Chickengirl250 Oh yeah, I got it now! Make sure to not give 'em too much of your story for them to anticipate! Maybe I should that a little bit


@Ambershine_Christian Oh, no!  Not at all!  
            I understand what you mean, I just wanted to test the waters and give back to my followers a bit, kind of give them a preview and have a bit of backing, if that makes sense?  Getting published is never easy, but if one has a bit of proof of their writing abilities and can show that people are invested in the story, then hopefully it makes the whole process that much easier.  :D


Okay, this is weird. 
          Hello Silly Kittens!
          I know it's been like 6 months since I wrote an announcement, but I guess things change sometimes. Our school has a day off, and I decided to publish a really really short story (it's so short I already finished it). 
          It's called Exile. I hope you read it, but anyways, I miss you guys so much! I hope I get a chance to write a sequel later on. 


@Ambershine_Christian hehe , actually I only last like a month and a half of another or so before I reinstalled the app , Idk why but I had deep thoughts of it , nowadays I’m not as active as I used to and I don’t think I will ever be , it’s nice to see some  the people I used to talk to are kind of back (like u) , because when I re-joined I felt like an stranger cuz I barely recognized anyone (either they have changed their usernames or I didn’t remember why I was following them, and what I call the “mythic people from my Wattpad premium time” which is basically a way to say the people I cared on this app had either left or were inactive) , oh and ofc my creativity needed to make more Wattpad accounts cuz for me it’s some sort of a tradition lmao (like the one u replied to before and this one Im using to reply to you rn , I remember that when we met I only had 6 and now I have 18 hehe, can’t believe it was almost two years ago tbh) 


Wow, long time no talk Amber :(


@Emberclove Yep. I'm doing fine! How about you?


@Ambershine_Christan I'm doing good! I'm Flame, this is just an alt. Wow, hope you're doing alright as well.


@Emberclove Hi! Yeah, it's been a really long time since I talked to you! How are you doing?