
hey guys! I know its been a while but life has been a little hectic. If you guys have any special requests for any of my books, lemme know! either pm me or post it here, idm! love you all and please don't stop being your amazing selves (also plz keep reading and interacting with my works, you guys are what inspire me to keep writing!) love you all!! ttyl!!! <3


@Ambergreyson334 girlie I am in need of more of your SKZ book


hey guys! I know its been a while but life has been a little hectic. If you guys have any special requests for any of my books, lemme know! either pm me or post it here, idm! love you all and please don't stop being your amazing selves (also plz keep reading and interacting with my works, you guys are what inspire me to keep writing!) love you all!! ttyl!!! <3


@Ambergreyson334 girlie I am in need of more of your SKZ book


Can you please update stray kids their girl 


@cupcaked234  sadly I’m out of the country without my laptop but plz expect an update around the beginning of august 


I just wanted to thank ya'll for following me and giving my books a read. I feel honoured that ppl actually like my writing. It took a long time for me to feel comfortable to do this sort of thing and to have ppl who genuinely enjoy it is just a breath of fresh air so thank yall T-T <3


also please be kind to writers on here, and people in general. You never know what someone is going through or how they are feelings, so please don't add to those negative emotions. Instead, try and show appreciation for the hard work and dedication to the craft that they display. Try and spread some love on here for those who work hard to give us readers (and even fellow writers) amazing pieces of work to read and learn from. I love each and every one of you guys! <3


hey guys sorry but I may not post for a few days cuz I just had a really bad day today and am feeling really down in the dumps. Please never forget your worth and how amazing you are; never let any person dictate whether or not you deserve love because you all do and you will all find it eventually, maybe not today or tomorrow but some day! I love you all and wish you an amazing day, night, evening, afternoon (whatever time it is for you!) 


Hope you feel better 