

Hello everyone,
          I know you all are waiting for updates. I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but there will be no updates for next twenty days. Both the stories will recieve regular updates from second week of May.
          I and Aashvi both have our entrance and literally zero time to check Wattpad. Only twenty days and you will recieve regular updates, I promise. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
          Best wishes to all those having their entrance or any other exams!
          Lots of love,


Please continously update rooh..We are waiting very patiently..Please Update it on a daily basis..


@ManChalaaaa If we want update on a regular basis, we have to hit the target on a regular basis ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


@ManChalaaaa I update within hours of target being done. There are times when even we are caught up with our life and cannot give a fixed time for updates. That is bound to happen.
            And about regular updates, the target takes over a week to be fulfilled. The updates come as per that.
            Thank you for your patience and understanding.