
Hello, Followers. 
          	I'm dealing with a lot right now, so I'm going offline for now. I've been offline for a few days, but I'm making it official. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but Please keep reading and leaving your kind words and requests. 
          	I'll be back, hopefully soon. Thank you all. 


Hello, Followers. 
          I'm dealing with a lot right now, so I'm going offline for now. I've been offline for a few days, but I'm making it official. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but Please keep reading and leaving your kind words and requests. 
          I'll be back, hopefully soon. Thank you all. 


Hey guys. Please don't be hateful when commenting on my books. If you read something you don't like, I am sorry. You can always message me and we can talk one on one about it, but you all must keep in mind. I take requests and it's been years of writing. I could of easily forgotten what I have told one of my many followers. 
          I also have little time to be online or look over notes so you'll have work with me. It's hard to keep everybody please, you can't ever keep everybody pleased so please understand that. 


Write what makes you happy and if people enjoy it they enjoy it and if they hate it they hate it not everyone is gonna like your stuff just make sure that you like it.


@Always-Drarry don't listen to them. I know how you feel as I am also a writer on here. 


Please do not send me private messaging asking more personal information. If you want to know more personal information you actually have to take an effort to get to know somebody. And not just randomly asked for the information of other forms of communication and then start right back with the personal information on another website or social media platform.
          If I say no that means no. If I say not at this time that means not at this time. Don't wait half an hour and then try asking the same questions again or asking for a picture of me. You will be blocked and reported. There's very little people on social media here know my true identity and most people on here will never know because of safety reasons. I do not mind getting to know somebody so please do not take this to mean that, but you can't start day one asking for pictures my sexuality if I've got a girlfriend or boyfriend that is all unacceptable. Again I do not mind messages but I will not tolerate people trying to seek out personal information. So at this time, the only messages I will be accepting are direct messages about my book or from people I already chat with on a regular basis. Anything else right now will be muted and I will report you I am not open creeps which is currently what I face today. So please if your messaging me keep in mind that I will not spread personal information on day one or maybe even week three it takes time for someone to share personal information.
          I do want to take a moment and thank you all for your likes and comments on my stories it really helps me going. I know it's been a difficult time with me not posting but life has gotten in the way of me having time to write. I hope you guys understand and I'll try and update more regularly. 


Hi, My followers. If you could take a moment of silence for my fallen knight, that would be great. 
          Robert 'Kayden' Moore was a child of only six years old when the good Lord called him home. He fought since May of when he was three years old until January of his six year of life. He just didn't have it in him to fight anymore. 
          He was a brother, son, grandson and Nephew to many. 
          Kayden, you are always loved. 


@Always-Drarry so sorry for your loss


Hello, My lovelies. I'm struggling really bad right now mentally, I don't want to get into details, but I am going offline for an unknown amount of time. I doubt I will post an update, but there is a very tiny possibility (less then 5%). There's a lot of things I have to work through and my motivation right now, to write, is very nonexistent. You can PM if you want another way to contact me, but I'm not sure when I'd see them. 
          I'm sorry, I have to step away, but it's what is best for me, right now. 


@Always-Drarry thats okay message me 


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