
Hey there, first of all I want to say that I received all of yours messages and I also want to say that I appreciate them so much. The reason for me to say those words before was because I was feeling frustrated, burned out and tired. This was mainly on the writing stuff I was trying to do, I just couldn't put anything together, not a single idea and that was making me angry, it wasn't as easy as before were I could do anything in a white sheet. That and the fact that I was having the feeling that I was letting you guys down for not updating anything in almost a year, not a single thing of my stories was touched, their were only draft boards I wrote because I couldn't put it together. At the end it was all going wrong and things just weren't at best for me, so yeah frustration and other things got so that's why I said 'I'm sorry' to all of you. I felt bad for not writing something good enough for you guys and also for me because I still love writing my own stories, you deserved better and I knew that but I simply couldn't do it like before. It took to the point were mentally I was feeling a bit down for not being as good as before, making good stuff for myself and you guys. Sorry for that and that's why I took a big absent so I can recharge myself and have a proper rest, it was like I needed because sometimes I felt I was missing some. So yeah, I am doing okay now for all of you asking, I really appreciate the concerns and dm's you sent me, sorry for not replying as I was taking time off from this and the writing. If you see this then I really appreciate it as means a lot, thanks to all of the people who still read my stories even though they weren't updated in a while, it still gives me motivation knowing people read them and still leave comments. Everyone have a good day/night and take care, stay safe and I will see you soon here. 


@Allen901 just do what you need to do 


@Allen901 it all good, does take care of yourself .


@Allen901 No probs mate , take ur time , and take rest :)


Hey there, first of all I want to say that I received all of yours messages and I also want to say that I appreciate them so much. The reason for me to say those words before was because I was feeling frustrated, burned out and tired. This was mainly on the writing stuff I was trying to do, I just couldn't put anything together, not a single idea and that was making me angry, it wasn't as easy as before were I could do anything in a white sheet. That and the fact that I was having the feeling that I was letting you guys down for not updating anything in almost a year, not a single thing of my stories was touched, their were only draft boards I wrote because I couldn't put it together. At the end it was all going wrong and things just weren't at best for me, so yeah frustration and other things got so that's why I said 'I'm sorry' to all of you. I felt bad for not writing something good enough for you guys and also for me because I still love writing my own stories, you deserved better and I knew that but I simply couldn't do it like before. It took to the point were mentally I was feeling a bit down for not being as good as before, making good stuff for myself and you guys. Sorry for that and that's why I took a big absent so I can recharge myself and have a proper rest, it was like I needed because sometimes I felt I was missing some. So yeah, I am doing okay now for all of you asking, I really appreciate the concerns and dm's you sent me, sorry for not replying as I was taking time off from this and the writing. If you see this then I really appreciate it as means a lot, thanks to all of the people who still read my stories even though they weren't updated in a while, it still gives me motivation knowing people read them and still leave comments. Everyone have a good day/night and take care, stay safe and I will see you soon here. 


@Allen901 just do what you need to do 


@Allen901 it all good, does take care of yourself .


@Allen901 No probs mate , take ur time , and take rest :)


I'm sorry, I'm really sorry...


@Allen901 You alright bro


Wattpad is deleting non complete stories you may want to set your stories on complete 


@Allen901 Doing alright?


@Allen901 Hey you doing alright man?