
Is “for you to stop being an ass” a good response to “what do you want for your birthday?” Because I really, *really* want to say that to someone. 


Hey y'all, a bit of an update
          I've been struggling with some mental health things and stuff IRL. despite having time and the desire to write, i've been lacking in motivation.
          I'm really sorry about not publishing more, i just -- there's no good excuse for it. i'll work on getting some more things written, i'll try
          thank you all for sticking with me, i really appreciate y'all :D /pos
          i'll still be active on Wattpad, reading and commenting, etc. i'm still always open as an editor/proofreader/person to bounce ideas with :) /gen (i am so addicted to wattpad ..., i'll be on here almost all the time)
          like i said, i'll try to get more into the swing of things. and thanks again.
          thank you for reading this word vomit that is mine
          oh and thanks for fifteen followers as well, i appreciate each of you :D /gen
          Peace out,


@sixth_constellation awwwww thank you Six! Hi to you too and hope you’re having a great day!


Scroll down A LOT. Trust me this will put a smile on your face.
          Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. 
          At least fifteen people in this world love you. 
          The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be like you. 
          There are at least two people in this world who would die for you.
          You mean the world to someone. 
          Even when you make the biggest mistake ever, something good will come from it.
          When you think the world has it back on you, take a closer look.
          Always remember the compliments you've received, and forget the rude remarks.
          And if you didn't get the message yet? 
          You. Matter.
          Did this make your day, or at least put a smile on your face? I hope so! :D
          If it did, send it to all of your friends (including me if I am one) and make their days too! 
          F. R. I. E. N. D. S:
          - Fight for you.
          - Respect you.
          - Involve you. 
          - Encourage you. 
          - Need you.
          - Devoted to you. 
          - Save you. 
          <3 <3 <3
          (Side note: Edited from the original version to add my own touches and fix some things. Figured I should say that in case anyone wondered.)


@AliDancingPearl Of course! <3333 (Also sorry for late reply, it didn't show up on Wattpad that you'd replied, just my email fsr)


Oh my gods thank you so much for this Eevee, I really needed it. *reposts this on your message board* (at school on my phone so can’t really repost it :( )


What're some comfort things of y'all's? (god that sentence is so weirdly phased?)
          And the things you use it for? 
          Some of mine are 
          > one of my sweaters that I love hugging tight across my body whenever I'm feeling nervous
          > My diary (yes i keep one no don't judge) - I like hugging it when I feel threatened
          > My folder/portfolio with all my drawings - I hug it as well (yes i'm weird no don't judge) when I want to hold my ideas and characters close to my heart
          > My pencil I use to write and draw - I like twisting it around my finger
          idk, just trying to get a sense of what other people consider special and what objects have sentimental value to others
          ~Ari :)


@AliDancingPearl XD Yeah, same. How could you not though, like- some of their voices are just so niceee-
            Wels's is pretty chill and calming too.


@sixth_constellation *steals fluffy blankets for themself* 
            Oooooooooo you play guitar?? (Sorry I have this weird obsession with guitars because they're such a cool instrument)
            Yes, watching Scar trying to move a charged creeper will never fail to crack me up and get a smile on my face. These people are so wholesome :D
            Also, what fidget toys do you use? I've been really fidgety lately but fidget spinners aren't helping me calm down sadly. 


@Hermitcraft_Queen Thanks! Things don't have to be physical to be comforting :)
            Also, yes, Etho's voice is very soft and pleasant. So is Xisuma's, though his head a more "awake" feeling to it. Gem's is also very soothing while still being nice and cheerful
            Pixl also has a pretty cute voice. Grian's usually has a tone of mischief to it. 
            Mumbo's is smart and cartoonishly dumb at the same time, while Impulse's is bright and energetic. 
            (If you can't tell, I spend way too much time listening to the hermits)
            Loll this is a word vomit and a half of my opinions I can't believe I just typed all that


ooooOOOOOOooooo new follower ... Thank you @Hermitcraft_Queen for the follow!!
          (y'all go check her profile out - her books are freaking AMAZING!!!)
          also Eevee, 1) your books were amazing
          2) i'm in class and my phone is next to me and i'm just watching each vote come in on my oneshots book from you and I'm imploding with happiness thank you so much!!!


@AliDancingPearl Ahhh thank you so much!! And of course, your oneshots are so good and I always try to support fellow writers! <3


I have self-diagnosed myself with an addiction to Wattpad.
          (And to garlic bread, but no one needs to know that)
          Thank you all for providing amazing stories for me to read and (i don't have words right now you get what i'm trying to say) 
          thanks everyone here, you are some of the greatest people on earth :)